asking out

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I was laying in bed whenever my phone dings.

H: hi!

T: Hello!

H: uh I wanted to ask you something

T: yeah?

H: I was wondering if you would wanna go on a date sometime?

T: Oh! sure! When?

H: uhhhh tonight? Maybe?

T: sure!

H: ok! I'll see you then!

~Timeskip sjjwkdkqmw~

I walked to his house and knocked on the door. He opened it and smiled. ¨hey, Teruteru!¨

¨Hi! Are you ready to go?¨ I ask

¨mhm!¨ he says back

I take his hand and since the restaurant isn't that far away, well and my car is made for my height and he won't fit, we just walk to the restaurant. We go inside, talk to the waiter, and sit down. ¨I'm really happy I get to go out with you, Teruteru.¨ Hifumi says

I smile. ¨I am too!¨

after around 20 minutes, the waiter comes over. ¨Are you guys ready?¨

We nod and order our food, then the waiter walks away. ¨The food here is really good, I think you'll like it.¨ I say

~timeskip cuz ya'll really think I'm writing all this shit out~

We walk out of the restaurant and back to Hifumi's house. Before Hifumi walks inside, he pecks me on the lips, causing my face to go bright red. He smiled at the sight, then went back inside.

Stupid Little Love Story || Terufumi(Teruteru x Hifumi)Where stories live. Discover now