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I was sitting in my room, bored out of my mind when suddenly, my phone dings. I look at it.
(H is for Hifumi and T is for Teruteru)
H: Hi!
T: hello
H: I was just wondering if you wanted to come over and maybe we could watch Pretty Pudgy Princess together!
T: sure!
H: ok! Do you want to spend the night or just stay for a few hours?
T: I'll spend the night
H: ok!

I walk to Hifumi's house and knock on the door. Hifumi answers with a wide smile. "Hello...!" He said
"Hello!" I say back, a smile slowly creeping onto my face
"Come in!" He says excitedly
I walk inside. It's a clean house with pictures of cartoon women hung up on the wall. He leads me to his living room and sits on the couch. I sit beside him as he turned on the TV. We both started watching Pretty Pudgy Princess. After about 20 minutes, I slowly leaned into Hifumi's side. At first, I didn't notice that I was leaning into him, but then, he wrapped an arm around me, causing me to blush a little. He didn't seem to notice that my cheeks were a shade of light red, as he was still watching the TV. I soon just fully lean into him, laying my head on his side. Suddenly, Hifumi paused the TV, picked me up, and sat me down on his lap, gently hugging me with one arm and unpausing the TV. I can't tell if he's trying to be sexual towards me but I feel like he isn't considering the fact that he seems so chill. Either way, my whole face goes red and I bury my face into his shoulder to try and hide it. He just rubbed my back with one hand, then began gently rubbing the back of my head. At this point, I've completely given up at this point and I just cuddle up against him. He let out a soft giggle. "...I love cuddling with my friends...-" he said
So that answers my question on whether he was trying to be sexual or not. I still just keep cuddling with him for what seemed like forever. The lights and TV suddenly turned off. I started to try to get off of him but I trip over. As soon as I fall onto something, the lights come back on to reveal that my face was super close to Hifumi's and our lips were just barely touching. I quickly pull away and accidentally talk in my Southern accent. "I...I'm so sorry...! I didn' mean to...!!" I say
He just stares at me with wide, lit up eyes. "D...did we just...?" He asks
"U...uh...yeah....I....I'm so sorry..." I reply
Hifumi went silent for a second, then spoke. "C...Can it again...?"
My whole face goes red. I want to say yes but I don't know if he's just messing with me. I soon realized he wasn't joking whenever he just pulled me closer and gently kissed me again.

Stupid Little Love Story || Terufumi(Teruteru x Hifumi)Where stories live. Discover now