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After a few seconds, I gently kissed him back. As soon as he pulled away, he stood up, picked me up, and walked into the bedroom. He gently laid me on the bed, laid beside, and instantly became really cuddly. I only met this guy yesterday, but I'm already so in love with him. I gently kiss his cheek and he giggles a little bit. I press my face into his chest and he slowly starts to rub the back of my head. This is the most comfortable I've ever felt. I never want this feeling to end. I just crawl into his shirt with him and cuddle against his chest. A small smile crept across his face as he kissed the top of my head. I let out a quiet yawn. Hifumi heard it and pulled the covers over us. I slowly fell asleep in pure comfort.

Stupid Little Love Story || Terufumi(Teruteru x Hifumi)Where stories live. Discover now