Second Date(smut <//3)

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Me and Hifumi had planned a date to some type of carnival that happened to be in town. Whenever he found out about it, he seemed fascinated. I've never been to one, but it's worth a shot.

I walked to his house and knocked on the door. ¨Oh hi! Are you ready to go??¨ he asked

¨Of course!¨ I say, holding his hand

The carnival wasn't far from his house, so we just started walking there. Once we saw the bright colorful lights, we paid for tickets, then looked around for a ride. ¨Oooo that one looks fun!¨ Hifumi said, pointing to a medium sized rollercoaster. 

I've never been on a rollarcoaster but it looked fun, so I smiled and walked to the line with him, which was surprisingly short. Once we got on, We buckled the seat belts and held onto the bar. As soon as the ride started, I realized why everyone always seems so scared of them, I'm afraid of heights. I tried to stop myself from screaming, While Hifumi seemed to be having the time of his life. He noticed how scared I was, and held my hand, which actually made me feel a lot safer. Once the ride was over, we decided to go to one of the food trucks and order food. After they gave us our food, we sat down at one of the tables and just chatted and ate and laughed for what seemed like hours. Once it started getting dark, we decided we would ride one more ride, and he chose the ferris wheel. We both got on, and I instantly clinged onto the bar as the ride started moving. Once we got to the top, I accidentally let go, and immediately held onto Hifumi for dear life. He chuckled and held onto me. Once the ride finally ended, we both went to his house. We ended up going to his room and just sitting on the bed. ¨....Uh...Teruteru??¨ Hifumi said

¨Hmm??¨ I asked

¨Well uh...we've been dating for a lo- well not a *long* time but still like...a bit....and uh...I was wondering if you would like to..have¨ He asked

I didn't even hesitate to smile and crawl into his lap. ¨Absolutely.¨ I said, still grinning

He shakily smiled back, starting to take off his clothes, as I did the same. He seemed genuinely nervous whenever he crawled on top of me, gently pinning me down. ¨Please...tell me if I hurt you..¨ He said

¨I promise I will.¨ I said back

With that reassurance, He slowly slid into me, causing me to let out a moan. He started going in and out, being as careful as he can. Once he finally got confident enough, He started thrusting, causing me to cling onto him and become a moaning mess. I threw my head back into the pillow under me, which happened to be an anime girl body pillow. He suddenly started getting slower and slower, until he finally came inside me, causing me to yelp a little. He instantly went and grabbed a towel to clean us both up, then cuddled up really close to me. I laid my head on his chest as he began to lightly snore. I've never been so comfortable in my entire life...I really like Hifumi is the soulmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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