Chapter One

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Renae sat up in the reception of the principal's office waiting for her mum who was in the principal's office itself.

"You can read read a magazine you know." The principal's secretary said to her as she pushed some forward

"Oh thank you." Renae said picking up a fashion magazine. A lot of designs, very beautiful designs could be seen. It gave her lots of ideas for her own designs.

She dipped her hand into her small handbag and brought out a book labeled 'Renae's Style'

She also brought out her pencil and started drawing. She drew a lovely dress, next she drew a pair of pants that were quite unusually spectacular. She closed the book and replaced it in her bag.

Closing the magazine she picked up another one. This one was a lifestyle magazine, she scanned through it within five minutes, dropped it and picked up another.

What's taking mum this long she thought.

The door opened and some voices could be heard "Of course Mrs Stephen." the principal, Mr Howe was saying

Renae stood up when they got to her side. "Good day sir." she greeted the principal.

"Good day. How do you do?" Mr Howe asked.

"Very fine sir." she answered. She walked over to the other side of her mother.

"Good bye Mr Howe." Renae's mom said as they were going out the door.

* * * * *

"So mum, what took you so long in there and what did he say?" Renae asked in the car as they were driving out of the school's parking lot.

"Oh just your well-being." she said matter of factly.

Was my admission granted?"

"Of course it was," she said more enthusiastic. "You are now a student of Rockford High."

"Yes!" Renae screamed happily and joyfully.

"We talked about the treatment of new students, the average mark for promotion, the welfare of students of the school among other things." she said.

"So, what do you want to study?"

I'm not really sure," she said, her sincerity showing on her face. "But I either want to be a fashion designer or a journalist or maybe go into theatre arts." She concluded.


"I'm sure I'll decide soon." She reassured.

"Well, you'd better do so fast." Her mom said.

"Yes Mom." Renae said. "Hey mum this isn't the way to the house." Renae queried.

"Yeah, we're going to shopping mall down the road and next to the grocery store."

"What's the occasion?"

"Can't a mother have a mother-daughter outing and besides you made the transfer exams for Rockford High. All your hard work paid off, so let's celebrate."

"We're celebrating at a grocery store?" Renae asked sarcastically.

"No, the grocery is just work that be put off for another day." Renae's mom responded.


"Thanks mom," Renae said when they had settled down on the sofa, tired from all the driving around they had done. "For the dresses, the tops, blouses pants, skirts, head bands, shoes and everything else." She said specifically as she drew closer and hugged her mom.

Breaking from the hug "You'll need those things to start a new school year."

Two hours later Mrs Stephen is calling her daughter. "Renae, Renae, come help me set up the table." She said. "Renae!" She shouts.

"Yes mom." She said removing her ear phones and then rushing to the dining from her room.

"You called mom."

"Yes, come help set the table."

"Okay mom." She goes into the kitchen and brings out four plates. She puts them in their appropriate place.

The dining room was well furnished showing that this family was no poor family. There was a small fridge, a dish cabinet, a rocking chair among many others and there was also a six-chair dining table.

Mrs Stephen brought in the food in porcelain white bowls with transparent glass covers, all in all there were three small pots two bigger than the last.

Renae collected one of the pots and set it at the centre of the table. "Thanks dear." Mrs Stephen said.

Renae went into the kitchen and got a jug of orange juice from the big fridge and ice cream from the freezer next to it, she got four cups and put them all in a tray. She brought them to the dining

"Renae."Mrs Stephen called.

"Yes mom."

"Go and call Kaitlyn and Josh."

Renae rushed to Kaitlyn's room first and found the eleven-year old girl sleeping. "Kaitlyn," she said tapping her. "It's time for dinner."

"What?" Kaitlyn said, sleep obviously still in her eyes.

"I said it's time for dinner."

"Be right out." She said and then gave a loud yawn.

"Don't forget to call Josh." Renae said to Kaitlyn.

"Where are they?" Mrs Stephen asked when Renae got back to the dining.

"They're coming"

At the dining table during different discussions broke out. One of them was.

"Mom, when's dad coming back?" Renae asked.

"Yeah when is he coming back?" Kaitlyn asked and Josh echoed.

"He's coming back next week Friday." their mom answered.

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