Chapter Five

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Fourth day of school came and Renae was late again. She had never been early except on Monday.

Renae hurried through the hallway and burst into biology class.

"You're late." Mr Wilmore announced.

"I'm really sorry." Renae said.

"If not that you're a punctual and very bright student of biology, you would have been given detention." Mr Wilmore said. "Go to your seat."

Renae walked to her seat grateful. She had never been late to biology class, this was her first time. "Thank you sir."

"Even so you will be punished. I cannot be partial."

Renae thought she had been let off the hook, but she was wrong. "Okay sir." She said. Well at least my punishment was reduced. I would hate to be in detention the fourth day of my resumption. She thought.

"Now, where were we?" Mr Wilmore asked the students.

"You were at the life cycle of the tsetse fly." A student from the back answered.

"Yes, that's right." Mr Wilmore responded. "A tse-tse fly as we all know spreads the sleeping sickness caused by the micro-organisme..."
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"You've never been this late." Stella said during the one minute break in between class when they went to pick their books from their lockers.

"I know, my sister was throwing one of her tween tantrums and my mom was just frustrated." Renae said. "I have to see Mr Wilmore." Renae said.

"We only have forty-five seconds and counting till the next class, do you want to be late for the next class as well." Stella noted.

"I'll get a note from Mr Wilmore." She called as she was walking away.

Genevieve walked to meet Stella. "Where's Renae going?" Her locker was not close to Stella's and Renae's lockers and she had to get her own books.
"To meet Mr Wilmore." Stella answered. "What do we have now?" Stella asked.

"You and Renae have chemistry, I have I.T." Genevieve answered.

Ring! Ring! The school bell rang.

"There's the bell, bye." Stella said.

"Bye." they went to their different classes.
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Mrs Anderson, Renae's chemistry teacher was already teaching the class when Renae arrived at the open door.

"Close the door Miss Stephen." Mrs Anderson said as Renae entered. "May I ask why you are late? Or don't you know you only have a one minute interval before the next class?"

"I'm sorry. Mr Wilmore called for me and it took longer than I expected." She said.

"What proof do you have of this?" Mrs Anderson asked.

"I have a note." she said bringing out a folded piece of paper. She walked over to Mrs Anderson and handed the note to her.

Mrs Anderson read the short note. "Okay, you may go to your seat."

"Thank you ma."

"Do not come late again, okay?"

"Yes ma."

"Now class where was I at?"
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"Renae how was chemistry class?" Genevieve asked.

"It was okay, except I came late." Renae answered.

The bell rang and the trio parted.
Renae walked down the hall to her next class when she bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going."

"I'm so sorry." Renae said. Huh! It's Vanessa

"Do you know who I am?" Vanessa asked.

"I'm sorry." She repeated.

"You'd better be." Vanessa said and stormed off.

Talk about rude. Renae thought. And proud.

She walked to French class. She had interest in learning a foreign language. German and Spanish were the other options. Foreign language itself was optional. German, she felt was too hard and too complicated to learn and understand. Spanish, she planned to learn later. French, she found easy to comprehend and understand so she opted for it. She also found it what she expected, although difficult it was simple.

Mrs Roseline, her french teacher was half American and half French. Her mom was French and her dad was American.

"Bonjour madame Roseline." Renae greeted as she entered the class.

"Bonjour mademoiselle Renae." she answered. "Bonjour asseyez-toi."

"Merci." she answered.

"Now that we're complete, let's begin."
                ~             ~             ~
"How was French class?" Stella and Genevieve asked.

"It was okay."

"Why'd you join french class?" Stella asked. "You could have had a free period like me"

"I liked it and I don't regret it." Renae answered her.

"Suit yourself." Genevieve responded.

"How did you use your free period?" Renae asked Stella

"I studied."

"Studious girl." Genevieve teased.

"Aww! Thanks!" Stella said mocking Genevieve.

"History class was great, thanks for asking."

"Who asked?" Stella said.

"As far as I'm concerned, everybody." Genevieve responded.

"Anyone up for some slushy?" Renae asked.

"I" Genevieve and Stella chorused.

"What flavor?"

"I'll have strawberry." Genevieve answered.

"I'll have chocolate." Stella said. "Are you going to buy it now?"

"No, we're all going to buy it together." Renae responded.

I just checked and my book is ranked #419 in the goodgirl. I'm so happy. It might still be low but I'm so thrilled. Please don't forget to vote and comment. I promise to read all comments. 😘😘

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