9. Watch Your Back

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Excuse the mistakes

"Mommie!!! You're home!! I missed you. Daddy is a terrible cook, he got the brush stuck in my hair, and he's so loud in the stereo," Autumn babbled on as Aug helped Jordynne walk thru the door. They had just got home from the hospital and she had to be on 24 watch so the whole family was at the crib.

"Snitch," Aug mumbled, lightly pushing Autumn's head.


"August, stop pushing my child's head," Jordynne said, not once looking back. Autumn stuck her tongue out at him and ran to ha momma.

"Hey, now yall stop. Ain tryna hear allat today. August quit aggravating her," she whined walking in the kitchen.

"Mommie, can we go to the park today?"

"No. Not today."

"Well why not?" She pouted.

"Because I said so Autumn. Go to your room and play."

Autumn folded her arms and stood right there, somewhat challenging her momma. Jordynne looked down at Autumn with her eyebrow raised.

"Autumn, did you not hear what I said?"

"I wanna go to the park!" She stomped. Jordynne was about to snatch her up but took a breather. She closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

"Unless you want a well whipped ass, I advice you to take ya ass upstairs to your room. And don't make me say it again! No child of mine will disrespect me!"

She stormed off, stomping each step she took. When she heard the door slam, she knocked everything off the counter.

"Aaaaagggghhhhhhhh!" She screamed in frustration. She felt like she had more peace in the hospital than at home. Aug ran in the kitchen, looking at her crazy.

"The fuxk is wrong witchu?"

"Nothing, I gotta get out of here." She grabbed a pair of keys and walked out the kitchen, then the front door. Aug went upstairs to Autumn's room.

"What happened with ya mama?" He asked her. She sat in the corner with her arms folded.

"She's mean! I don't want her as my mommie no more."

Aug turned his lip up. "I bet not eva hea you say something like that again or I'm a tear'a ya ass up myself. Don't come out this room until it's time to eat and when ya mama come back, ya betta say sorry." He slammed ha door and went downstairs to the living room.

"Wahhhnnnn," DJ came in the front door, Scoota behind him. August shook his head and flopped down on the couch. "Do you mufuckas eva knock?"

"Nope," DJ said, pulling out a bag of weed. Aug stopped him. "Kids upstairs."

He nodded, putting in back in his pocket. "So when we gon do this?"

"I gotta figure out a way to tell J ha grandpa behind it. You know she'll be the first to put a bullet in his head." They all nodded and laughed.

"That's the J we need man. I need my rida back," Scoota said, rubbing his hands together.




I quickly switched the clip and emptied yet another round into the target. I came to the gun range to blow off steam and it was working. My trigger finger been itching for awhile. I burned my hand on the grizzle but I got over it.

"You're pretty good at that," a familiar voice said from my left. I quickly turned and looked up and down at the guy. He looked familiar I just couldn't remember where I saw him from.

"Thanks," I said lowly, switching clips and firing off again. He held his hands over his ears.

"That don't hurt ya ears ma?"

"Nope," I said poppin the P.

"Savage are we."

I laughed. "Yeah, something like that." He was about to say something else but my phone rung. I quickly answered it.


"Ma, the deal was to have ya phone on ya at all times. This my 3rd time calling," Aug snapped. I sighed.

"I'm at the gun range and I didn't hear it. My bad."

"Yeen pose ta be at no gun range. You pregnant crazy?"

"You want a stressed out pregnant woman or a mellow one?" I asked challenging him. If anybody know how I get, it's him. He was quiet for a second. "Ight, just be careful."

"I will. I'm bout to leave now. And tell DJ that shxt is impossible. I burned my damn hand."

He laughed, before repeating what I said. "Ya tried to switch clips while the grizzle was still hot huh?"

"Man, hell yeah. I'm not doing that no mo. Junk hurts." I looked down at my hand and shook my head.

Glancing up, the guy was still looking at me and it started to creep me out. I just gave him a smile. "Why you tryna rush me off the phone?" I asked Aug, hoping he'd catch it.

"Wha ya me- what ya see?"

"Can't say that."

"A nigga?"

"Of course," I said blushing. I was cleaning up my station, unloading the guns and placing them back in the cases.

"Ya wun' me ta come up thea?"

"Nah, I'll be on the way out by then but you can stay on the phone," I said, checking in my guns. The gut was behind me, waiting to check in his gun as well. I quickly grabbed my license back and walked out the building to my car.

""J, what the fuck is going on?"

"Dude was eyeing me. He just creeped me out, that's all. I'm gettin in the car now tho."

"It's a tool in the glovebox. Stay on this phone." I nodded as if he could see me. I got in the car and locked my door. I had just turned the key in the ignition when a tap on my window scared the shxt outta me.

"Aahhhhh!" I glanced over to see the same guy, at my window. I was just okay to ask him what could I do for him when he held up my drivers license.

"You dropped this on your way out." I took a sigh of relief, cracking my window just enough for him to slide it thru. "Thanks."

"No problem Jordynne." He smiled and walked off. It I wasn't creeped out before, I definitely was now. I quickly threw my car in reverse and sped off.


"It was so weird, it was like I knew him but I didn't. He looks so familiar but I can't remember where I've seen him." I finished describing the guy I saw at the range to Aug nem. It was just something off about him.

"Ion want you going nowhere by yaself or without protection. Understand?"

I nodded, standing up. All I wanted to do now was sleep. I yawned, saying goodnight to my big boys before going upstairs to check on my little ones.

Cracking the door, I could see Autumn, BJ and AJ knocked out, AJ with his foot in BJ face. I chuckled to myself, slowing the door back.

I finally made it to the bedroom and crashed. I tossed and turned, getting comfortable. I had that gut feeling that something was up and the twitch in my eye let me know that I had to be on guard at all times.

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