Chapter 7: The Plan

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Everyone gathered back into the dining hall, devastated at how Lilianne had been taken, no one knew what happened.. they only knew that she had gone from the Tournament. 

"We cannot do anything to save Lilianne Potter.. we will fight to get her back.. until then.. we cannot do anything" Dumbledore says, tears filling everyone's eyes. Losing Lilianne would devastate everyone, especially Draco.

Draco stood up and walked out of the hall. He couldn't take it.. tomorrow they had to start packing.. but Harry told Draco to meet him outside along with Cedric, because they needed to talk. Everyones attention turned to Draco who stormed out, tears filling his eyes. He lost the only happiness he had ever had, the only thing he lived for.

Harry and Cedric walk out too. They all stand near eachother.

"We need someone to get her back.." Harry says looking at them both..

"What do you mean? There's no way we could ever.." Cedric says before Harry cuts him off.

"We need someone on the inside.." Harry says looking at Draco.

"My father has influence, I can get close" Draco says looking at them both.


Yule break has ended. They all arrive back to school, except Harry got expelled, Harry was heartbroken, he was only trying to save Dudley from the dementors. He faced the court of magic and was allowed to go back to Hogwarts.

Walking back in he found his friends happier than ever to see young Harry. He missed his sister and her company, but so did everybody else.

Hermione runs up to Harry at school when everyone sees him walk in. 

"How are you holding up Harry?" Hermione says with an ever so worried look on her face.

"I-I'm fine Hermione.." he says looking away, walking past her. Harry was sensitive to the topic of his sister, he just wanted her back. That was the only thing he wanted, he wanted to see her smile again.

Over the Yule season Harry found out from his visions of Voldemort that his sister was alive...but he was scared that if she did the wrong thing she'd die..he wasn't quite sure if these were real, but they seemed very real, none could have such visions he had been having.

In the hall he pulled Draco into a place no one goes.

"She's alive" Harry says smiling, Dracos face lights up..

"I think I can find out where Lilianne is, It's going to be tough though.. especially with umbridge here.. we won't be able to get anything done" Draco says staring at Harry worried.

"I just miss her..I know we haven't been friends ever, but I miss her, she was the only reason I'm still here today..she always found a way to make me happy" Draco says, Harry sees the pain in his eyes, he's not sure what to do.

"I'm sure we will find a way too get past Umbridge, we have to get to class now" Harry says walking away.

"Meet me in the Library later today" he says walking away from Draco, Draco nods yes and walks away.


Umbridge was stubborn and always said shit about Lilianne, saying no one would miss her , which enraged Harry.

Harry walked into class in Defence Against The Dark Arts, Umbridge was already in there.

"Now, this year we will not be using magic, we will be studying for your OWLs" Umbridge says with that rather annoying smile of hers.

"Professor how in any way would that help us protect ourselves?" Hermione asks in a rude tone, Hermione was known to get her way, she was stubborn but had rather great reasoning.

"Well dear, your all children, what would you need to protect yourselves from?" she says looking at Hermione.

"Oh I don't know, perhaps Voldemort, he took my sister Umbridge do you forget that?" Harry says clenching his fist. Draco looks over and looks like he's about to punch Umbridge. 

"First off It's Professor Umbridge, and second of all that story is FAKE, whatever rumours your hearing are FAKE Mr Potter, do you need to forget that your sister is a stupid little TWAT AND SHE DID THIS TOO HERSELF" she says going crazily, off her head. She was crazier than Mad-Eye according to the whole school.


"Aww, missing your lover Mr Malfoy? DETENTION FOR YOU BOTH" she says smiling at them both whilst fixing her hair.

"Fuck you Umbridge, you know we couldn't CARE LESS" Draco says scoffing at her. She looks back over at Draco and Harry.

"My..Office.." she says continuing with the ever so boring lesson. Both Draco and Harry walk out only to be stopped by Neville Longbottom.

"We heard about your sister..I mean the whole school did.. and we really want to help. We are starting a club for um.. practicing magic and we need teachers" he says looking at Harry.

"You want me to be a teacher?" Harry says looking another way.

"Y-Yes.." Neville says stuttering a bit. Harry and Draco look at eachother and nod.

"I guess it could help since we are trying to get back my sister.." Harry says looking down, a bit upset but he washed away his thoughts. He looked back up to Neville.

"Meet at the library 10pm tonight and everyone you are bringing" Harry says, him and Draco walking to Umbridges office. They needed to get back Dracos Girlfriend and Harrys sister.. they figured it would benefit them to learn more advanced spells, especially if he wanted to save his sister he could teach the people in his grade advanced spells.

He's lost Sirius and Mad-Eye too, he's been having visions about both Sirius and his sister. He had to get Sirius first, he had a vision last night of Sirius being threatened by Voldemort, he needed to get the sphere first, the sphere that Voldemort wanted.

Sirius was the only person who could help him.. and his fellow peers..

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