Chapter 12: Help

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Draco wrapped his big arms around cold Lilianne Potter who still was helplessly on the floor, losing even more blood. 

"D-Draco.. If I die, just know I love you.." Lilianne says putting her cold hand on Dracos cheek.

"Your not dying LILIANNE" he says crying a bit more. "Not on my watch" he says holding onto her hand.

The medical team arrives, taking Lilianne out of his hands, it was like this was happening all over again.. like they were taking her all over again..he holds her hand one last time before they take her away. He cries helplessly on the floor, his mother wrapping her arms around him.

It's been a day or so since she had been taken, Draco missed her touch, he was hurting again, he needed to see her. He got into some comfy clothes before heading over to the Medical Centre Of Magic, he saw her, but she was going to go into surgery soon, she looked horrible, she had bruises and cuts, stitches and had been badly whipped. He wasn't allowed to go in until after her first surgery.

He waited for hours outside until he saw her hospital bed coming back in, she had looked even more hopeless. She was still asleep, he ran into the room , holding her hand. The doctor leaving them both together, everyone was waiting outside in line to see her, she slowly opened her eyes, she couldn't really, she still had a bit of a bruised eye.

"Oh baby your awake" Draco says kissing her cheek lightly, he had never been so happy to see her awake.

"Draco?" she says trying to lift her hand to his face.

"Yes my love?" he says looking down at her.

"Thank-you. You know you didn't have to come back for me, your hurt now" she says looking at the nearly healed cut on his face, rubbing her soft hands over his face.

"Look at you, your more hurt than me. I had too come back for you, because I love you.." he says gripping onto her tiny hands , staring into her beautiful eyes.

"You love me?" she says in a confused voice.

"Don't be so silly , of course I do!" he says kissing her lips softly. He pulls away to see her smiling, the first time she had smiled in ages.

"I missed your kisses Malfoy" she says teasing him, he looks away upset a bit. She knew he hated when she called him that, it was her way of teasing him.

She starts to giggle a bit.

"Baby, I'm only kidding, maybe I should go see if Viktors available for another kiss" she says laughing.  He looks straight at her, she moves his hair out of the way he kisses her again. 

"No, he's not allowed" he says in a jealous tone. Giggling a bit afterwards. She never felt so happy to be with Draco again, she loved him so much that words couldn't even explain.

"How are you feeling bub?" Draco asks worriedly, she looks up at him and looks down.

"Very sore, I never thought I'd be here ever. I'm just in pain" she says upset. Draco looks at Lilianne, who looks a bit upset again.

"Mr Malfoy, there's quite the bit of people who would like to see Miss Potter, do you mind if they come in?" the nurse says asking Draco.

"Sure, I guess" he says.

Harry, Hermione and Ron come in, Harry rushes over to hug her when Draco stops him>

"Harry, she just came out of surgery and still Isn't well, maybe just a light hug?" Draco says to Harry who lightly pulls his sister into a hug.. Liliannes hand still in Dracos. 

"Has he been treating you right Lilianne?" Hermione asks , looking at Ron who laughs.

"Yes, he has. I'm happy to have him, although I know him and Harry don't get along, I really hope they do one day" she says smiling at Harry.

"Actually, we have been. Ever since this happened we've been ok friends" Draco says kissing the top of her head.

"That's amazing" she says smiling, that's all she wanted. 

Lilianne looks over at Ron, they weren't quite friends, but she had something to say.

"Treat her wrong again Ron and I will kick your ass, well when I get out of this which won't be for awhile" she says looking at Ron. Hermione , Ron and Harry were escorted out of the room , other people wanted to go in.

Cedric , Viktor and Fleur come in. Viktor placing his hand in mine, Draco with a jealous look on his face.

"Long time no see" Fleur says smiling straight at Lilianne. Lilianne returns the smile.

Viktor kisses her cheek and smiles at young Lilianne, Cedric saying hello. They all walk out, Draco looking the other way a bit jealous, again.

"Seriously? I've always wanted to bash Viktor, YOUR MINE" he says scoffing.

She starts giggling at his words.

"It's not funny Lilianne Potter, don't test me!" he says in a rather demanding voice.

She let go of his hand turned her head another way, he looked at Lilianne, she was tired. 

She also felt a bit scared when he got angry.. which is what he was just doing.

"Your scary when your angry at me.." she says whilst still turning the other way. He looks at her and grabs her hand again.

"Sorry baby, I just don't want these boys trying to take you. I want you for myself" he says rubbing his thumb back and forth on her hand. She turns his way, he knew that calmed her down.. she slowly closed her eyes, dozing off..


A/N: Guys this Isn't the end of the series, I will still be going on about what happens next , about her children and more stuff, so It's not quite over just yet , lol.

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