Chapter 8: Found

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Draco woke up to pecking on his window from someone's owl, as first he couldn't tell who's owl, but then he rushed to the window to see a note from Liliannes owl. Written on a ripped piece of parchment written in blood was H E L P. He immediately broke down crying, he just wanted to snug her in his arms. He didn't know her whereabouts, which made him even more worried.

He decided not to tell Harry about the note, he wanted to keep it with him, he held it close to his chest and he cried. He didn't want to ever see her dead, or worse, not even say goodbye to her. He decided to write back saying how much he missed her. Giving the note back to her owl.

30 minutes later Harry came barging into Dracos room, sweating.

"I saw her getting cut and beat by Voldemort.. we have to do something" Harry says worriedly..tears fill his panicked face.

Draco smashes his hand on the ledge of the window. 

"I just want her back.." Draco says crying.

"We all do.." Harry says back. They were both overly devastated , but Draco hurt more. Harry was more so determined. So was Draco but he was hurting..


One of the days Harry got a vision of the sphere room where all the prophecy's were and Sirius was there. He rushed up to Ron and Hermione, they had been training the kids in their year for quite awhile now, It's near Yule, but forget that.

"Are you sure Harry?" Hermione asks curiously, making sure Harry 100 percent was sure of what he saw.

"I'm sure Hermione, him and Sirius there!" Harry says walking up the stairs.

As they walk into the Prophecy room , he sees no one there, him, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Hermione and Ron were walking through. Harry spots the prophecy and takes it, the prophecy Voldemort wanted. Just then, someone appears infront of them casting a spell, sending all the prophecy's down, clashing and breaking as they all run.

They run into a room where death eaters grab everyone and point the wands at their heads. Harry is approached by Lucius.

"Give me the prophecy or your friends die.." Lucius says with his hand out. 

"DONT DO IT HARRY" Neville screams. Bellatrix tightening grip on young Neville. Making him squirm.

Harry puts the prophecy in Lucius Malfoys hand, Lucius lifting it up admiring it. He didn't want to see his friends die. 

"Get away from my godson.." Sirius says punching Lucius, the prophecy going flying and breaking before Lucius's eyes. Tonk, Mad-eye and Lupin come in to help fight off the many death eater.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry screams disarming Lucius.

"Nice one James!" Sirius says smiling at young Harry, Sirius said Harry reminded him of James, same face, but had his mothers eyes.. according to Sirius , he would risk his life for Harry, and that is what he was doing right now..

"AVADA KEDAVARA!" Bellatrix says firing it straight at Sirius. Sirius gives Harry one last look before dying.

He looks around at Bellatrix, confused but the realizes, not only has he lost his sister, but lost Sirius. He screams trying to go in to save Sirius, Lupin holding him back as his sad screams filled the room, he ran out of Lupins arms and chased after Bellatrix who had went. 

He pulled out his wand to Bellatrix who was on the floor smiling but serious a bit.

"Go on Harry.. you know the spell" he hears Voldemort say behind him, he turns around to cast a spell at Voldemort as they both duel. Voldemort vanishes, pushing Harry back. Harry screams helplessly, he had just lost another family member.

Hermione wraps her arms tightly around Harry, making sure he would feel comforted.

"We are getting your sister back if It's the last thing we do.." she says calming Harry down. They had all missed Liliannes bright spirit.


It was near Yule, when he had noticed that Draco was getting even more depressed by the days. He couldn't do much, he wasn't Lilianne, he didn't even know how to cheer a Malfoy up. Harry missed his sister, but knew they still had to plan this out.

As Harry was going back to his common room the night before it was time to leave Hogwarts Professor Dumbledore stops him. He turns around to see Professor Dumbledore standing before him.

"We've just found out Lilianne is getting severely beaten" he says placing his hand on Harrys shoulder. 

"It wasn't her fault.. she did it for you all" he says again, Harry breaking down into tears. What would he do? He needed her back.

"Get to bed Harry, I'm so sorry. We are trying" Professor Dumbledore says reassuring Harry.

Harry awoke the next morning , he was staying at Hogwarts over Yule seeming he had no where to go, His Aunt and Uncle had moved out, they didn't think it was safe for them to stay in their house seeming all the dangerous people who came there. So he is staying at Hogwarts.

Everyone had gone home except him.. which gave him more time to prepare for what could possibly come..

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