Chapter 17: The Start Of A New Chapter

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The day young Hydra was born they had spent a week or so in the hospital. Lilianne had felt very exhausted after her first birth. Draco couldn't help but notice how beautiful his daughter was, Lilianne was only 19 still, she was turning 20 in a few months. Draco looked down at baby Hydra and kissed her cheek laying her down in the crib in the hospital.

"My love.. we did well.." he says kissing Lilianne on the lips rather softly. Lilianne had remembered the day they got married.. she fiddled with the rings on his fingers.

"Do you remember how excited you were to become a dad..." Lilianne says looking up at Draco who looked down at Lilianne, her tiny fingers fiddling with his rings.

"I mean who wouldn't love? Becoming a dad is probably the thing I've wanted to be most.." he says kissing her hand softly. She giggles a bit. 

"Well that's amazing to know Isn't it" just then Harry comes in.

"Where is she?" he asks excited.

"In the crib Harry, don't be too loud with little Hydra" Lilianne says giggling. Harry picks up the baby gently, looking at her tiny face.

"She is adorable" he says smiling down at her.


Today they were allowed to leave the hospital. Draco carried little Hydra in his hands before handing her over to Lilianne. 

"We should head back to the Manor, tomorrow we are going shopping for our new home dear" Draco says kissing Lilianne softly.

"Oh, right. Forgot about that" Lilianne says quietly.

As they opened the door to the Manor Narcissa comes running out. She squeals a bit.

"Mother, you can spend some time with the baby while I help Lilianne for a bit" Draco says smiling down at Lilianne.

Draco keeping two hands on Liliannes waist as they walk up the stairs. He was still quite scared she hadn't fully recovered, she had been looking tired lately.

Lilianne opened the door as Draco helps on the bed.

"I'm fine" she says tracing circles on Dracos back. He smiled down at her, she returned the smile. 

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you were? Even after you just had a baby" he says kissing her cheek, carefully helping her sit.

She giggled a bit.

Draco got on the bed and sat next to her. She snugged herself into Draco, she felt peace..

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