Chapter 18: The End

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"Mummy come on!" Scorpius yells tugging at Lilianne.

"Daddy come on!" Hydra yells too, tugging at Draco.

"Well, you all be safe then. Don't cause mischief, got it you two?" Lilianne says fixing their uniforms.

"Mumm, stop it!" Scorpius says in a rather bossy tone.

"Just making sure you look better than your father did on his first day" Lilianne says giggling, Draco rolling his eyes playfully.

While Draco talks to Scorpius, Lilianne talks to Hydra.

"Hydra.. you be good , alright? You know I love you so much. You'll always be my daughter Hydra Malfoy, don't forget that" she says whispering kissing Hydras cheek softly.

Hydra giggles, the train lets out the boarding sound.

"We love you!" Lilianne says waving to her kids.. oh how they've grown.. how much she'll miss them over the school year..

As the train departs , the kids stick their heads out of the window, waving at their parents one last time.

Lilianne turns to Draco and kisses him on the cheek.

"What wonderful children we've made.." she says smiling up at Draco.

"Indeed we have" he says returning the smile..

The take a glimpse of the back of the train one last time.. 

And that's how the story ends..


Authors Note: thank-you all for 1.5k reads!! I cannot believe the tremendous amount of support I've been getting, if you guys would like me to make a sequel to this story, maybe about their kids years at Hogwarts? Let me know down in the comments on this post, let me know how this story made you feel, as in a bit of a review. Other than that you can keep track of my new stories coming out. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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