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I was sleeping peacefully
Inside the dark red valley
Which quenched my needs
From food to all my deeds.

I was patiently waiting
All the dark days hiding
Before my hideous trun
To the roller coaster ride.

When the clock ticked
I was very intrigued
To be in the bright glow
Excited by all the love

I craved for more and more
But in this new mortal place
Everything became so sour
After the first few races.

Soon I became tired
Crept lonely & stupid
Under the twilight
With no one but night.

I wish I had not left
My dear dark place
Which once gave solace
Despite the constant quest.

I'm bored of the rules
Hesitant to voice my mind
Shy to confront the ills
Tired of the neighbourhood.

Afraid to break the restraints
That cause immense pain
Already to the rotting wounds
Caused by the dominant ones.

After all I really am
Too expectant which
Always makes me
A great exception.

I wander from place to place
Trying to access it.
But in vain I fail coz
Everything changes instantly.

Finally being wounded badly
I really wish to go back
From where I came
But I can go nowhere.

The only thing I expect now
Is the real end of sulking me
From this modern hell.

I pray to the almighty to
Make my wish come true
For only once in my life.
       THE END
                 -DEVIMANJU MOHAN

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