ThE DrEaM CoNsOlEr!.

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Every night when I swoop in my bed
A mystery starts to play in my head
I blink my eyes in the dark light
My mind begins to sail the flight

I close my eyes and feel the place
The atmos causes me to embrace
There He was, feeling the moist of flowers
Hiding behind the creeping greeny covers

Every time when I feel disgusted and low
He is there to cheer me and blow
all my tension off my mind and shower
All His eternal love as a bower

I often feel astonished by His kindness
But the sun often spillsoff its rudeness
The rays of dawn hurts my eyes deeply
And I wake-up hearing His voice curtly

Everyday I register His voice firmly
But I fail to see His face really
Yes, He's only a dream voice
But He brings me out of the choice

Portrayed on me by the stupid society
And motivates me to achieve the final stone.
But He is only a dream!...

                -DEVIMANJU MOHAN

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