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Every year when your kins came
I thought of anything but fame
They passed & passed out of Windows
Glancing past over all the meadows.

You too are from the same blood
I thought nothing will raise the flood
The thoughts of my reverie came true
But with the growth of zodiac crew.

You brought name and fame and care
Made me play and win all games fair
You gave me hope and confidence
That honed my knowledge in abundance.

Your shedded glorious amo of rain
Led all my vain changed to gain
The lessons you taught made me mature
The fortunes you gave were all allure.

Finally I owe you a great love
For wiping off all the wistful dirts
That set all my silliness to hove
You will always remain a mirth.

Goodbye to the one who dusted off fear
Atlast I wish you a happy New year!....

                -DEVIMANJU MOHAN

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