***23: BROKEN

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SONG*:Watch-Billie Eilish


~Alberto P.O.V




I feel like shit...no, I am shit. Disgust, is what I feel right now. My head hurts and body is burning. What have I done!?

Did I really have to loose control and ruin everything. Sometimes I wonder why the Moon Goddess blessed me with such a mate. Lennabelle. She was perfect. Naive, beautiful, a sweetheart, pure, divine, unique and many more.

I'm a monster. Why on earth would I be gifted with someone like Lena when the is shit in my life. As a king, I can solve my people's problems but when it came to me....i felt weak. Pathetic, and a useless piece of garbage.

The lies I've been keeping are killing me. Zion my own wolf is disgusted at ourselves, to hell with me! I deserve nothing but pain.

Standing up. I start to button up my shirt and look at the women on the bed. What the hell have I done! Lena can not know about this. She'll leave me...i can't loose her. Loose another.

Zipping myself to look appropriate. "Your leaving? Again?" My head snaps at the voice I grew to hate. The green eyes I would love to see lifeless, she pouted. "Hmm." I hummed.

"But-But we just...please don't leave yet..." Goddess why me!? I just want to go to my mate. I want to be with Lena, can't I for just a minute? "Listen carefully, I gave you what you wanted. So now you need to go to sleep." I growl out.

'Don't speak to her like that!' Zion shouts. Already defending her. Sometimes I wonder who he really wants...Lennabelle or her. Cause I wanted Lennabelle and only her. 'I want mate as much' he all but growls in frustration.

"Please my love. Don't leave yet." She begs and I could already feel the pull from her in me. The bond forcing me to go and comfort her again. It was sickening. I felt like a lost puppy.

My hand pulls my hair in frustration, taking deep breathes in and out. Eyes close as try focus. Even if I really wanted to go away from her to Lena...I wanted to stay for her just as much.

"I'll be back soon. Okay?" I promise. Kissing her forehead as I exit the room without waiting. Grabbing the locks in my room, I come out and shut her door. Making sure they are secure and convenient. My hands shake and I fist them to stop.

As soon as I lock them. Closing my eyes I try to focus. Small whiff of strawberries are in the air but it's faint. I take in as much air I can. Who was here? Please not Lennabelle.

She's the only one with a sweet strawberry scent that I--





Without waiting for a second, my feet start to walk down the stairs, if she was here then I messed up big time. What the hell was I thinking?

I feet are fast and I hardly feel them. Like I'm flying. Speeding pass every wondering eyes from my guards. "Fuck, Lena." I curse. My legs stop in front of her door.

Get yourself together.

I knock twice and I'm shocked I actually knocked cause just enter but the nerves are kicking in. Goddess don't punish me like this.

"Lena?" My eyes searches the room until it settles on her. She was sitting on the edge of her bed. Facing the wall in front of her, away from me.

Closing the doors behind me I make my way to her. Standing in front of her, I kneel between her legs. My eyes look at her but hers are somewhere else the wall.

My heart breaks at the state she's in.
"Baby?" She doesn't move. Her face was emotionless, cheeks stained with dry tears and her eyes looked lifeless. It shook me bad and my breathing became shallow.

My heart clenchs. "My love?" She doesn't move nor looks at me. She shouldn't have been there. What did she hear? Did she see anything? Was it even about me and...?

What the hell is going on? My hand reaches to touch her cheek and she flinches a little. "Are you okay? Baby?"

Nothing. She doesn't even look at me.

Pain. It's all I feel. My heart aching. My head spins at the possibility of loosing her. "Lena? Please Lena?" I beg. Cupping her cheeks with both hands even if she flinches I didn't let go. "Talk to me, baby. What's wrong?"

Lena shuts her eyes, then inhales. She stays like that for a few minutes. Then her eyes open and looks deep in mine.

It feels like all air is knocked out of me as I see the emotions in those eye.

And...She looked so far....like she flouted away.

"W-Whats wrong?" I choke out. My voice above a whisper. Lena laughs,she actually laughs and catches me off guard.

She's laughing but the isn't any trace of happiness in her eyes. She looked so broken.


"Did you have fun?" She asks. Her voice laced with curiosity but I could sense the pain in her delicate voice. My own confusion followed after.

What does she mean by that.

"If I had fun? What do you mean by that?" She laughed. Her head falling back..she laughed so much but a single tear fell.

My heart clenched. "Do you take me as a fool, Alberto?" Lena asked. One brow raised. "What do you mean by that!?" I growled. Standing up straight away.

"Oh come on! I heard everything!" She snapped, standing up as well. "Your à fucking liar!"

I growled. She had no right to say shit like that. "Watch your language, Lena."

"I should watch my language? Oh come on! Look at you! A piece if cheating shit!" She glared.

"How the fuck did I cheat!" My head wasn't thinking straight and my wolf was surfacing. Eyes turning gold.

Lena's eyes were purple, and her wolf was out. It's the first time her wolf was out and that meant she was angry. But that didn't mean she could talk shit about what she didn't know...

"Alberto, seriously? Your even lying when you know the fuckin' truth!!" She spoke sense and that shut me up completely. She was right...She knew and she was there.

"You think I didn't hear anything. That you can keep me in the dark for shit nows how long!" It hurts to know that what I've been trying to hide is not going to be hidden for long. If she ever gets to know that....

She'll hâte me. She'll be broken. She'll leave me. And won't be mine. She's mine and only mine. "What do you know? Huh? You know nothing Lena." My wolf and I were scared of losing her and maybe if we just tried to toughen up she'll understand.

"Really?" She smiled sadly. "Am I not your one and only anymore?" She mocked. "I-I miss you Alberto." Fuck she heard more then I thought.

Her laugh turned sadistic and so taunting. "Yes my love, touch me like this."

My body shook and I snapped. I took slow steps towards her, and she moved back with the smile still on her face. Making me growl loudly. "Shut. Thé. Fuck. Up!" I barked. My voice echoes the room. Making the chandelier shake.

"Come on Alberto, you don't scare me!" She screamed. "...but you disgust me. Your disgusting." And with that said she opened her door and ran out.

Leaving me here.

Fuck I messed up big time.


I blue💙 y'all

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