Basics of shifting

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hello everyone! my name is davern and i will be sharing my journey with shifting and also how to shift.

if you are reading this, its probably because you want to learn more about shifting. i'm going to try to cover everything throughout these chapters but if you want me to talk about something specific that i didn't mention, please let me know.

so let's get started with the basics, what is shifting?

shifting is essentially transferring your consciousness from your current reality (CR) to another self in your desired reality (DR).

i like to use the analogy of moving houses. you have the place where you currently live and that is your current reality. now just because you live in that one house doesn't mean that other houses don't exist as well. once you have decided which house you want to move to (your DR), you need a way to get there and you need to know how to get there. let's say you are going to drive to your new house, the car is like the method you use. your method is what you can use to help make it easier to get to your new house. you need to know how to get there and your script is like your directions. it guides you to your new home. you don't really NEED a script, but it makes it a lot easier to shift.

your script can be as detailed or vague as you desire. it can have every detail about your dr, but it can also just have your name. it is all about personal preference. if you are just starting out shifting, it can be helpful to write a more detailed script, but if you go too in depth it can seem forced once you arrive in your dr.

there is a lot of speculation about whether or not you should script your love interest. some say that if you script that, for example, Draco Malfoy is deeply in love with you, the relationship that you will have with Draco won't feel natural and instead you should script that you are irresistible and Draco can't stay away from you. Other's say that you can do whatever you want because you are in charge of the reality and you can decide what you want. I, personally, want to have a relationship that is more natural and so i followed the first.

important things to remember:
- shifting is 100% safe
- shifting has been proven by the cia
- it might take time but it might not so don't get discouraged
- you can't get stuck in your dr which i know is of concern to a lot of people.
- tiktok is an absolutely terrible place to get info about shifting. i get all of my information from amino groups and if you want more detailed explanations, amino is the place to be ( NOT TIKTOK )

i will try to write in this every day and answer any questions that you may have.

thank you for reading!

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