Hinata Shoyo

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"It's a.. volleyball keychain- alright, it's either Kageyama or Hinata." You said, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

Hinata smiled bashfully, "It's mine." He walked to the 'closet' nervously while you were standing still, wasting time. Not really wanting to spend your seven minutes in there with your crush. You could've said something dumb!

"Alright! Congrats, [name]!" Tanaka exclaimed, winking at you before shoving you towards the room. Sighing, you got in the room. It was quite spacious, so that's good. You stood next to the shorter male.

Staring at the keychain for a bit before giving it back to Hinata, you smiled. "Here, it's a cute keychain. Very Hinata-ish." He took the keychain and kept quiet.

After some time, you heard Hinata murmured something, but it was barely audible. "What?" He whipped his head to look at you, and thankfully it was dark so you didn't have to see him blush.

"You- also think it's Kageyama's."

You cocked a brow at that, confused until you remembered what you said before getting here. "Ah, well, you two loved volleyball so much. I thought it might be him, too.."

Silence took over once more, making you nervous for some reason.

Deciding to break the silence out of the blue, Hinata asked, "Hey, are you seeing anyone right now?" You stared at him for a few seconds before blurting out, "You."


You blinked, realizing you just said that out loud.

You see, this is exactly why you didn't want to go in here with your crush. You started blushing, scratching the back of your head. "I- uh, I mean, it's just that- you're really cool! And I admire you! That's why I like you.."

You silenced yourself since you were embarrassing yourself. Hinata's lack of reaction also made you uncomfortable. Shit, now you gotta enroll to another school to avoid awkward encounters with Hinata.

"You're admirable, it's not my fa-"

You stopped your ramble as you felt something soft pressing against your cheek. You slowly turned your head to the side, seeing Hinata smiling. He looked up at you and grinned. "And I like you, too."


You stopped talking, again, as Hinata kissed you softly. His eyes were half-open, trying to see your reaction. You slowly kissed back, closing your eyes. Hinata trapped you between him and the wall, holding you closely.

It was a pretty innocent kiss.

Until Hinata decided that he wanted to do more than just an innocent kiss. He was busy trying to get you to open your mouth while you just stood there, declining to do what he wanted.

"Open your mouth, [name]."

"I don't wanna!"

Well you opened your mouth, but at the same time, Tanaka opened the door. "Alright, time's- OH MY GOD!" He screamed and stared at the two of you.

Hinata finally came back to his usual self and quickly pulled away. He walked out with a red face. You followed him out, keeping your gaze down from embarrassment.

You heard Nishinoya cooing at you tho, but nevermind that. "[name]," you looked up from the ground and saw Hinata.

"Does that mean- we're dating?"

You smiled, "If you want to."

With that, Hinata attacked you with a hug. You hugged back, patting his head. "I love you." You both said in unison and laughed because of that afterwards.



hinata may not be my fav, but i hav a soff spot for him. also this is cheesy. also should i do mature ones? maybe not cause ill end up screaming and scare the whole neighborhood.

hope you enjoy anyway.

ooo and since someone requested it, thank chu, requester. id probably make a nishinoya or sugawara after this one. :D

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