Kageyama Tobio

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"It's a.." You smiled at the item in your hand. A small miniature of a carton milk. You turned to Kageyama who was busy yelling at Hinata, poor dude.

It was a miracle to get his item, because well, you might have taken a liking towards the setter. He was really admirable and pretty, you couldn't help yourself.

Sighing, you walked up to Kageyama and tapped on his shoulder. He turned to you and almost immediately became calm. You opened your palm, showing him the item you got. "This is yours, right?" The tall setter nodded and took small item back.

"Then, let's go!" You said, skipping into the room- totally missing the small hint of blush on Kageyama's face as he followed you in.

Hinata ran to the door to close it, "Bakageyama, don't do anything weird to [name]!" He shouted and slammed the door close.

"Tch, what is that supposed to mean?!"

You chuckled softly, sitting down on the floor. "He doesn't want you to do anything weird to me, obviously." You said, glancing up to him.

The setter grumbled to himself before sitting down next to you. "Why would I do anything weird to you?" He hissed his question.

"Why wouldn't you? I'm irresistible." You said smugly, which was a bit out of character of you to say. The other responded with a groan followed by weird murmurs.

You found it quite amusing to see him like this, although you couldn't really see him because of the lack of lighting. You decided to entertain yourself by teasing him.

"So what kind of weird thing you'd do to me?"

Kageyama turned to you, and you could see his red face- barely. "Like! Like- like.." He closed his mouth. Grinning, you nudged him with your elbow. "Like what, Kageyama~?"


You felt your heart beat faster, even if he didn't finish the word, you got what he meant. Kiss, huh? That would be nice, to be honest. But you were determined to tease him.

"Come on now, baby. Say your first word.."

The ravenette glared at the innocent floor for he couldn't say the word properly. Plus, you called him baby? You may be older than him, but you were more of a baby than him. That's what he thought. He took a sharp breath.

"Kill!" Kageyama shouted as he finally able to say the word incorrectly. He turned to you groggily. You paled after hearing him, quickly scooting away from him- feeling threatened in the slightest.

Kageyama blinked and realized what he just said, quickly gripping on your wrist to prevent you from going any further. "N-no! I don't want to kill you, [name]! I want to kiss you!" He half yelled half whispered.

You froze hearing that, and Kageyama also froze after he realized what he had just said. His grip on your wrist tightened, but not enough to hurt you. You snapped out of it and saw him just staring at you.

Fuck it.

You took the initiative to lean close to him and captured his lips with yours. After a few seconds of no reaction from the ravenette, you pulled away- releasing your wrist from his grip.

I did thought 'fuck it', but he didn't even react! I'm so fucked? I am fucked, right? Please someone just shoot me this instant. I'm so-

Your train of thoughts was stopped when you felt Kageyama leaned closer to you, he gazed at you lovingly before planting a soft kiss on your lips. You fluttered your eyes close and kissed back.

He pulled away slightly and connected your forehead with his, sighing. You smiled bashfully before letting out a soft giggle.

The setter smiled slightly, pulling you into his lap to wrap his arms around your waist tightly. He then buried his face to your shoulder. You blushed more at the amount of affection he was giving but you didn't complain either, you liked it.

Softly running your fingers through his lock, you smiled when he glanced up at you. "[name].. I-I like you-" he was cut off by your chuckle. "I know, I like you too!" You beamed.

"Then, are we boyfriends?"

"I have to think for a while about that.." You teased him again, a teasing smile on your face. But he thought you were serious and that made him tense, he just nodded as a sign of understanding.

You chuckled at that, leaning down to share another kiss. Smiling happily when you parted, you answered, "I would love to have you as my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend.." He whispered, gazing at you. His gaze was so much softer than his usual sharp gaze. He looked way prettier like that.

You two were oblivious to Hinata who was opening the door. When he saw you on Kageyama's lap, he screamed. You jumped slightly at the sudden noise, the scream scared you and it showed. That lead to Kageyama glaring at the short middle blocker.

Hinata ran to you and pried you away from Kageyama, "YOU SEDUCED [NAME]?!" He yelled which the setter answered with another yell, "I DIDN'T SEDUCE HIM!"



You managed to escape the duo, somehow. "How did it go?!" Nishinoya came to view, you gave a sheepish smile before turning around to see Hinata still arguing with your, now, boyfriend. Apparently Hinata thought Kageyama seduced you and took your innocence or something. You chuckled to yourself.

"It went well."



well, i hope this one made sense. somehow.

im planning on doing either daichi or noya or yama or ennoshita oR IDK MAN I CANT CHOOSE. : (

and f for my sanity bcs college sucks.

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