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"you aren't like...jealous...are you?"

after a long pause the two male's broke into a fit of laughter. jaemin genuinely thought the situation was hilarious though he couldn't laugh too hard, and renjun didn't actually find it funny at all. "jealous? i have no reason to be jealous, nana. you bring jungwoo into your house as if he's done nothing wrong here."

"but he really hasn't done anything wrong." jaemin frowned.

"oh really? how would you know that? do you know something that i don't? you're forgetting how he was suspiciously hired by kun and not even jaehyun knew why. not to mention he's friends with jeno?"

"renjun, what are you talking about? it's not like that at all." jaemin was confused. he moved closer to renjun but the older male got up and started collecting his things. "why are you so angry? it's not even your business."

"how many times do i have to tell you, jaemin? this isn't only about me but it could affect you too. open your fucking eyes, don't you remember what jeno did? jungwoo is probably here to get some more shit on us and i don't want to lose you again!"

jaemin's currently visible eye widened. he scanned renjun who was flushed red, his eyes glossy, and his small hands were bawled into fists. while the two argued, jungwoo was just at the top of the stairs listening to everything. he would be lying if he didn't say he was hurt after what renjun was saying about him. finally he built up the courage to march down the stairs and push past the two to leave.

"jungwoo, please don't—"

"it's fine, jaemin. i knew i wasn't wanted here in the first place. not here, not at the department, not anywhere." jaemin sighed, feeling terrible. he opened his mouth to reply but renjun beat him to it.

"don't act like the victim. you and i both know exactly what you're planning, jungwoo."

"planning what? all you and ten have been doing was question me and the only friends i have left!" renjun rolled his eyes. he knew this game all too well and he wasn't going to lose this time. he wasn't going to let jungwoo try to make him feel guilty. "and...and if you really wanna know why i was hired, it's because i'm in debt. my medical bill is way too expensive and i have no money to pay for it now. all along my family would pay for it but now they're all dead because of what runs in my family. but you wouldn't know that, would you renjun? no, because you're selfish and you only think about yourself." jungwoo cried before slamming the door.

"haechan? what's wrong?"

the tanned male had ran into mark's office like a maniac. he looked terrified and worried. "mark, please..." he panted. mark's confused expression had turned into a worried one as he tried to relax the younger.

"donghyuck, breathe," he held the latter's hand, waiting patiently for him to calm down before explaining. "now talk to me, what's the matter? why are you so worked up?"

"it's renjun, again. i should've never left his side like i did i feel so guilty now," haechan covered his face with his free hand, "we haven't seen him in a couple of days, almost weeks now. he wouldn't answer his texts or calls...and johnny...he's just as terrible right now..."

"shh, i know. it's just because of what ten's facing right now but they'll get through it. now did something happen to renjun that made him isolate himself?" haechan shrugged.

"last time i saw him, he was going to jaemin's house." mark thought for a moment until he remembered what lucas had said about jungwoo going to visit jaemin as well.

"when was this?"

"last thursday." mark bit his lower lip nervously, and haechan took notice to that. his nerves were getting bad all over again at that. he knew something bad has to have occurred and mark definitely knew what it was.

"what? what do you know, mark?"

-thursday night-

"lucas, what's up?" mark grinned as he walked into his home.

"i wanted to talk to you...about jungwoo..." mark joined the giant on the couch and nodded in reply. "he's not doing well at all. you know he goes to see jaemin once in a while, but earlier he met renjun there too. things didn't really go too well..."

"what do you mean?" mark just assumed a fight broke out between jaemin and renjun again, but he didn't understand why that effected jungwoo at all.

"jaemin and renjun got into an argument about how renjun didn't want jungwoo around because he's friends with jeno." mark's mouth hung agape as he nodded slowly, "he said some hurtful things, but he mentioned how jungwoo was plotting something with jeno. he thought that was the reason why he was hired but it's not."

"i heard everyone was confused that day, but why was renjun so mad?"

lucas shook his head sadly and shrugged, "jungwoo ended up telling him that he was in debt, like i told you before, but he's just really in a bad place now that renjun had yelled at him and accused him of planning some stupid shit." lucas rested his head in his hand, keeping his eyes down at the floor.

mark felt bad for both jungwoo and lucas, but he understood why renjun did what he did as well. he could tell just by looking at the younger that he was furious, and when he looked into his eyes he saw nothing but sadness.

"you really love him..." mark mumbled.

"i just don't know what to do, as soon as i saw jungwoo come home crying i was ready to murder whoever made him upset. but now that i heard exactly what happened and i know it was renjun, it's harder now."

-present day-

"is jungwoo doing alright now?" haechan asked.

"i don't know, i would like to think so. so much has happened in one year at this department i don't even know how to feel about it anymore. who knows what's gonna happen next?"

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