Chapter 53: Enters The Phantom

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Chapter 53 – Enters The Phantom


The painting door slid open and effortlessly she folded and unfolded her long, shapely legs and sensuously slithered inside through the hole. Smiling to herself, she order the door shut. Then, the smile still lingering on her full, red lips, she turned on her four-inch stiletto heels and started up the ten feet tunnel that led to the common room of the head boy and girl dormitory. Well, it was only the head girl's, meaning her, Cho Chang, because the head boy lived with his girlfriend on the seventh floor of the prefects tower. Good for her... she could use the dormitory how ever she liked. Unconsciously, she ran her fingers through her long, dark as the night hair, still disheveled from the wind that started to blow around Hogwarts. Moving with the grace of a cheetah on the prowl, she slithered up the tunnel, her high heels pinging sexily off the stone floor. Her svelte hips moved, rolling like well-oiled machines as her shapely hips swished from side to side.


Too bad Blaise is not around to watch me, she narcissistically thought. Or any other wizard. I'd sure put on a better show for him...especially if it was a good looking one...a well-hung, good-looking guy... just like Blaise. Little did she know...


Crap! Here I am, hotter than a firecracker on this fine Tuesday evening and no Blaise around to light my fuse! Where the fuck is he? Just the thought of his big, hard cock in her pussy made her juices begin to flow, oozing out and wetting the crotch of her sheer, pink panties. Leaning down a little, she felt her heavy tits shift in her flimsy bra as she opened her bedroom door. Pushing the door open, she felt a rush of cool air brush over her face.


But stepping inside, she immediately realized that something was wrong. The air was filled with new and unfamiliar aromas as her eyes frantically darted around the bedroom.


But she was too late!


She felt an arm wrap around her chest, pressing against her large, jutting breasts. At the same time, she felt a wand near her throat. That was the last thing she remembered for the longest time...


At last, she felt herself drifting toward consciousness. Her thoughts reforming and she found she could think a little more clearly again. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself still fully immersed in darkness. What was wrong, she frantically asked herself? Was she blind? Then she realized that she was blindfolded.


"Are you okay?" she heard a deep, masculine voice ask her.


Okay? Oh, yeah, she angrily thought. I'm just fine except I can't see! Then she felt the restraints around her arms and legs holding her tightly confined to what she guessed was the chair from the study desk in her bedroom.


"Oh, yeah...I feel great. Blindfolded and tied up...what witch wouldn't feel just comfy-cozy in my place?"


"Don't fight it! I'm not going to hurt you," she heard the deep, husky voice say, and then continue after a long pause. "If you cooperate."


Cooperate? What was he going to do to her? Oh, yeah, she smarted back to herself. He's here to play Wizard's Chess...or maybe Exploding Snap... What in the hell do you think he's here for?


Suddenly, she realized that she was naked. Naked, bound, and blindfolded. Other than that...she was fine!

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