Chapter 56: Somethings are Just So Damm Easy

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Chapter 56 – Some things are just so damn easy


"I needed that," Cho sighed, rolling over and swinging her long legs over the edge of the bed. "Three days without you was almost unbearable."


"Uh, yeah... why was that?"


"Oh... I had a lot to... study..."


"If you say so..." Blaise mumbled.


"What's wrong?" Cho asked as she stood by the bed looking down at him, with a flow of cum that was leaking out of her pussy.


"I need to tell you something," he said.


"Can it wait until I pee?" she asked him.


"Uh, yeah, sure, go ahead," Blaise told her.


Cho turned and shuffled into the bathroom.


Dreading having to tell Cho about him and Hermione, Harry and the others, Blaise lay listening to the sound of Cho's pee splashing down into the toilet.


"So what do you need to tell me?" Cho asked as she came back out of the bathroom wiping her pussy with a towel.


Blaise couldn't keep his eyes off his girlfriend's big bobbling tits as she walked toward the bed. They were every bit as big as Hermione's, if not bigger, but they were just a tiny bit saggier and the areolas capping them were much darker and oblong shaped instead of the perfectly, round circles of the gryffindor's breasts.


"Well, are you going to stop gawking at my tits and tell me?" she asked standing by the bed looking down at him with her fisted hands on her hips.


"I hate to tell you this, but it's about Hermione," Blaise muttered, trying to swallow down the bale of cotton that suddenly filled his mouth.


"What about her?" Cho asked him, sitting down on the edge of the bed.


"Uh, I, uh, she, uh, we, we " Blaise stammered but was unable to choke it out.


"You what?" Cho asked.


"We, uh . . . uh, I, we made love..." Blaise finally blurted out.


Cho's chin nearly bounce off her tits as her mouth dropped open and she stared at him with a stunned, angry look on her face.


"You what?" Cho exploded.


"We made love..." Blaise sheepishly mumbled.


"How could you, Blaise? How could you cheat on me?" Cho fussed. "And she's with Harry... your cousin..."


"I don't know. It just sort of happened," Blaise apologized. "I'm sorry..."


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