xlv. ur drunk

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dream: he tries to take u home, and since ur so wasted u can barely even protest and so u end up passing out in the car and he has to carry u out of it

georgenotfound: he thinks it's rly funny since ur stumbling everywhere and ur being rly social but as soon as he thinks y'all should go home, he practically just carries u back to the car

sapnap: ur being rly affectionate but he doesn't want to feel like he's taking advantage of u while ur drunk so he just ends up tucking u into bed and brings u coca cola lmao

badboyhalo: he's a bit uncomfortable and so he tells u that he wants to go home and despite how messed up u are, u know when y'all should leave so u try to walk to the car but u end up face planting on ur the concrete and end up getting sent to the emergency room lmaooo

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