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Victoria was sat next to her best friend Pansy. She and her twin sister Hermoine stopped getting along after she was sorted Slytherin. Pansy was first to befriend her, and they remained friends ever since.

"Almost there"

Victoria rolled her eyes

"Yippee. More boring ass classes for a year"

Pansy laughed at her remark. After an hour they arrived. They entered Hogwarts and sat at their table. There he was. Draco Malfoy. Victoria had never spoken to him, but she couldn't deny that he was the hottest man she had ever seen. He'd never talk to a Granger though. So she didn't do anything about it.

"Who are you staring at"

"No one. Now let's just hope we're sharing a room again this year"

Dumbledore made his announcements and indeed Pansy and Victoria were sharing a room.

The girls spent the next week or so attending their classes as usual until one day where lots happened.

"We will be doing a partner project"

The class booed at Snape

"Silence. I have made your pairs"

He told everyone their partner.

"And Victoria you will be with Mr.Malfoy"

The two of them stared at each other.

"Class dismissed"

Draco walked over to Victoria

"Guess we're partners then Granger"

Victoria rolled her eyes.

"Guess so. I'll meet you in the library at 8:00. Don't be late"

With that she walked off. At 8 she was sat in the library. Malfoy then arrived a minute later.

"So what's with you. I mean you're a Granger. Shouldn't you be Gryffindor."

"Well thankfully I'm not stuck with my irritating sister."

"Well you certainly don't seem like her"

"I'm not like her. I don't intend to be like her. Now let's get to work. I know you don't want to be here."

"Someone's a bit moody today. Also how do you know where I'd like to be"

"Well a) I'm a Granger, and b) we literally have never spoken to one another"

"Doesn't mean I haven't noticed you. And you're not like your annoying sister so that's a bonus"

Victoria's tone softened.

"Well I've noticed you too Malfoy. Now let's get to work"

The two of them worked for a solid hour before they finished.

"You're not half bad Malfoy"

"Not are you Granger"

"Well I've got to go. See you around Malfoy."

Victoria left. Draco sat there. He'd never met a girl quite like her. He already knew he was developing feelings and he barely knew her.

"So how was working with Malfoy?"

Victoria rolled her eyes

"He's not half bad. But don't go getting ideas now"

The girls spent the rest of the night chatting. In the morning they headed to their table for breakfast. Victoria could feel Draco watching her. She turned to look at him

"Take a picture it'll last longer"

Draco turned pink and faced back to the table. After breakfast Crabbe and Goyle went up to Victoria.

"What did you say to Draco this morning?"

"Why do you care Goyle"

"Because he was blushing! I've never seen him blush at anyone before!"

"Oh shove off. Just leave"

The two of them left. Victoria smiled to herself. She kinda liked the thought that maybe she had an effect on him. Her thought was interrupted by Draco.

"Victoria. What did those idiots tell you"

"Nothing important. So what is this now. The second time you've found something to talk about with me?"

Draco blushed. Then he smirked

"Guess so. But you can't deny the fact that you like talking to me"

The two had already almost reached their classroom. Victoria moved close to Draco's ear and whispered

"Careful Malfoy. That almost sounded like flirting."

She then smoothly walked over to her seat next to Pansy.

"You and Malfoy seem to really enjoy speaking together"

Victoria rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Let's just get this shit over with"

So it seems that Victoria and Malfoy have finally spoken to each other. And it looks like they're both harbouring some feelings😏Hope you guys are enjoying!

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