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Over the next couple days Draco kept finding reasons to come talk to Victoria. They formed a sort of friendship, however you could tell there was an attraction between them. Victoria walked over to Draco and sat next to him on the sofa.


He looked up from what he was reading.

"Would you look at that. We've finally made it to the point where you actually come to me instead of me going to you"

Victoria chuckled

"What can I say you're not bad to talk to"

"Oh come on. I know you secretly love the attention I give you"

Victoria turned pink. She then replied

"You just wish I'd love you Malfoy"

They both laughed and continued to talk for a while until Pansy sat with them.

"Hey guys"

She took a seat in front of them

"You two look cozy there"

Draco blushed as Victoria rolled her eyes

"Shut up Pansy"

She threw a pillow at her. The girls laughed. Then Victoria decided to walk outside. As she was walking she bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so- oh it's you. Whatever Victoria"

"Honestly Hermoine you're so annoying."

"You bumped into me. I'm the victim here"

"iM tHe ViCtIm HeRe"

"Hermoine let's just go"

"Shut the hell up Ron this doesn't concern you"

"Don't talk to my friend like that!"

The girls continued yelling at each other until Hermoine yelled

"This is why our parents don't talk to you anymore"

Draco heard the commotion from around the corner and heard what Hermoine had said. He could see how it had visibly hurt Victoria. He'd never seen her look so sad. He immediately ran up to her

"Victoria I-"

"Shut up Granger you've already caused enough problems"

"She's my sister I'm allowed to speak to her!"

"Bloody hell just leave!"

Hermoine, Ron, and Harry immediately ran off.

"Victoria darling let's go"

The two of them walked outside. They sat in the grass and Draco pulled in Victoria for a hug. She looked visibly hurt.

"Don't listen to her darling she's just trying to hurt you"

Victoria whispered, not wanting to cry

"She's right"

"She's not bloody right about anything!"

"They don't talk to me anymore. After I was sorted Slytherin I only had Pansy and a few other friends. My parents hate me"

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. One by one they fell from her eyes. She tried to wipe them away not wanting Draco to see.

"Don't hide love come here it's ok to cry"

He hugged her as she rest her face on his chest as she cried. After she was done she moved her face.

"God I haven't cried since the first year"

"Don't feel bad about it. It's ok to be upset."

"What do you know Draco Malfoy actually cares"

They both laughed

"Already back to your old self"

The two of them walked back to their common room. The next day Victoria didn't go down for breakfast as she wanted to sleep in.

"Pansy is Victoria ok?"

Pansy looked up at Draco.

"She's fine. Just sleeping in"

"Ok good because yesterday she was crying and I wanted to-"

"Hold up. She was crying?!"

"Yeah. She was quite upset"

"And she let you be there for her?"

"Yeah I was hugging her"

Draco turned pink. Pansy looked shocked

"You don't understand how big a deal this is! She absolutely never lets anyone ever see her remotely emotional. She's always calm around people. I can't believe she let you help her while she cried!"

Draco smiled to himself. It made him feel slightly happy knowing that she trusted him enough to be emotional around him. He went up to her room after breakfast. She wasn't in bed.



She walked out in a pair of shorts and a tshirt. Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing her glasses.

"Didn't know you wore glasses. They look cute."

Victoria smirked.

"Thanks Draco."

"You should wear them all day"

Victoria stepped right up close to Draco and whispered

"No. I guess it'll just have to be a you and me thing"

He whispered back

"Sounds fine with me love"

She chuckled and went back in. A while later she had her uniform on.

"Let's go to class then Victoria"

Aw looks like Hermoine made you upset. But Draco helped you out😏 Hope you guys enjoyed!

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