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Draco threw Victoria onto the bed. He climbed on top of her.

"I told you to stop teasing. Now I'm gonna have to do something about it"

He kissed her passionately. He moved his head down and kissed up and down her neck, leaving a hickey. He pulled off her robes, and she removed his. They were both left in their underwear. He kissed down her stomach. She tried to hold in a moan.

"Be as loud as you want love"

She tugged at his hair a little bit while he unhooked her bra. She removed his boxers as he removed her underwear. He kissed her lips again. She then flipped him over so that she was on top and put him inside her. She moved quickly as they both moaned

"I'm in charge darling"

He moved back on top of her and thrust hard and fast inside her. They both continued moaning. They both finished at the same time. Draco lay next to Victoria as they were both out of breath.

"So much for attending class"

They both laughed. They then got ready. They ran up to their classroom

"Both of you are late!"

They both laughed

"Sorry professor but it'll probably happen again"

Draco laughed at her remark

Draco and Victoria sat in their seats.

"Victoria! Where were you last period!"

"With Draco"

"What were you guys doing that was so important!"

She smirked at Pansy.

"Well we had a lovely time in his room"

Pansy then realized what you were talking about.

"Good job you"

They both laughed. After classes were done, Victoria sat out in the garden. Draco came up behind her.

"Any regrets"

Without flinching she replied

"None. You?"

"None. Was it your first time?"


He sat down next to her. She then blurted out without thinking

"I think I'm falling in love with you"

Draco was visibly shocked and immediately replied

"I think I am too"

He pulled her face to his and kissed her gently. After he asked

"Well I was going to ask this before this morning, but would you like to uh you know be like exclusive?"

Victoria laughed.

Teasing (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now