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Draco and Victoria were laughing and walking to their class. They had been dating 5 months now. Draco gave Victoria a quick kiss.

"I'm excited to meet your family!"

"My mum's lovely. My father is well he's a very serious man"

Over the weekend, Draco brought Victoria home with him.

"Mother, father this is Victoria"

"Hello sweetheart! Come in I need to make you some tea!"

Victoria laughed as Draco's mum pulled her towards the kitchen.



"What's her last name?"


"I will not allow this."

"Father please! I love her!"

"No. I refuse to let my son be with a Granger."

They both went into the dining room. They began to eat dinner.

"So Miss Granger. How are your parents?"

"I don't know Mr. Malfoy"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know and don't care. I hate them"

"I see"

They finished dinner.

"A word Draco?"

They moved far from the ladies.

"She's not how I thought she would be"

Draco's face lit up

"However she is still a Granger. So you have 2 options"

"Anything father"

"You have 1 year to marry her. If you choose not to, I will kill her."


"What's it to be?"

"I will not allow you to kill her. I will marry her by the end of this year"

"Good choice"

Draco left. He was extremely scared that Victoria would die at the hands of his father if she refused to marry him. He would try his hardest though. They left on Sunday for Hogwarts. Victoria could tell something was bothering Draco. When they got back Draco told her

"I'm going for a shower love"

And went upstairs. She knew for sure that something was bothering him. She followed him upstairs. She heard the shower turn on and decided to join him.

Teasing (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now