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Pansy zipped the back of Victoria's dress. They had specially taken time away from school to marry. She was ready to go. Many of the students attended. She walked down the flowery aisle and met Draco at the end. She refused to let her parents come, however Hermoine did attend.

"You look beautiful darling"

"You look handsome"

The ceremony began. After a while they had said their vows

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Draco dipped Victoria and kissed her gently. They then stood up and continued kissing. They realized everyone else was still there. A couple people laughed, and they too chuckled. They were now married. After a week, they began their classes again. They were almost done school anyways.

"Good morning husband"

Draco pulled Victoria onto his lap and kissed her

"Good morning wife"

She smiled. He kissed her as they both fell on the bed.

"We can't"

"We're married!"

Victoria giggled

"We've class today"

"I'm glad we've moved out of those rooms into our house. So much more privacy"

He continued to kiss down her neck. He began sucking in her collarbone, causing her to moan softly. Draco smiled against her neck.

"Come on let's go Draco"

"You clearly seem to be enjoying love"

Victoria moved to get ready. Draco got ready as well. They went to school. Many knew they were married however some didn't. Cedric being one of those people. They were all sitting in class, Victoria next to Draco.

"Hey Victoria"

"Hey Cedric"

"So I know that you wanted to be friends, but I really think we should try going out again"

Draco snorted.

"Shut up Malfoy let her talk."

Victoria laughed as well.

"Yeah no"

"Why not?"

Draco began laughing.

"She doesn't want to go with you Diggory. I'd be more angry if she did"

"Oh shove off you don't own her"

"Well you asked my wife out of course I'm mad"

"Your wife?!"

Victoria lifted up her hand and showed Cedric her beautiful square cut 4 carat diamond ring.

"Now I'd really appreciate if you'd leave my husband and I alone"

Cedric walked off. Draco kissed Victoria. There were many people who said "awww" or "they're so cute"

"I should really keep you at home"


"Because I have so many guys to shoo away with you here. Have you seen yourself"

Victoria laughed. They finished school and went home. Victoria made dinner while Draco was in the shower. She was alone, so she just wore a tshirt and her underwear. She wasn't aware Draco had come out of the shower. He came into the kitchen and turned off the heat. He threw Victoria over his shoulder and walked upstairs. She laughed.

"Draco we need dinner!"

"Not when you look like that. You should really just dress like that all the time. I certainly don't mind."

He threw her onto the bed and locked the door.


Draco and Victoria finished schooling. It was just a regular morning when she started to feel sick. She ran up to the bathroom

"Are you ok love?"

He ran behind her. This happened every morning for a week. One morning Victoria took a pregnancy test. Positive.

"Draco come here!"

He ran upstairs.

"Are you alright love?"

She showed him the test. His face completely lit up. Victoria whispered

"We're having a baby"

He picked her up off the ground and kissed her.

"I love you so much"

"I love you more darling"

That's the end! I hope you guys enjoyed!

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