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Victoria and Draco walked to class. On their way there, they bumped into Cedric Diggory.

"Hey Victoria"


He winked and walked off.

"What was that?"

"Why, you jealous Malfoy?"

Draco turned red

"I am not jealous!"

Victoria laughed at him. They finally made it into class. Victoria was seated next to Pansy

"Vic! I haven't talked to you in so long where have you been"

"Busy I guess"

"With Malfoy I'm assuming"

Pansy smirked and Victoria blushed

"Oh shove off"

"Do I see your cheeks turning pink"

"Merlin Pansy just leave it"

"Fine fine"

After class was done, Victoria was stopped by Cedric.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Before she could reply Draco came and said

"Nope. She's busy Diggory"

He grabbed her waist possessively.

"Don't listen to him. I'll meet you outside at 2 on Saturday?"

"Sounds good"

He glared at Draco and then left. Victoria whispered to Draco

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you Malfoy"

And walked off to find Pansy. She told her about what happened.

"Ooh looks like Draco feels a little jealous"

Victoria laughed. A few days later. She was outside waiting for Cedric. She also saw Draco standing there.


"Hello Victoria"

"So what brings you here"

"Well I have a date to Hogsmeade as well."

Victoria looked visibly jealous for a moment. She then cleared her throat.

"Good for you"

"Jealous darling?"

"Not a chance Malfoy"

Then Cedric appeared.

"Shall we go?"

The two of them left. Then Draco's date, some random Ravenclaw girl arrived and they left as well. Once everyone arrived, Draco made sure that he and his date be at the same place as Victoria and Cedric. He watched as Victoria was laughing and having a good time. He decided to then focus on his date. In the evening they all left.

"I had a great time today Draco. When can I see you again?"

"Probably never"

"What?! I thought you liked me!"

"Nothing personal. Just have my eyes on someone else"

"Ugh whatever"

She ran off. Then he saw Victoria and Cedric arrive. He could hear what they were saying.

"I had a great time with you today Victoria"

"Me too"

"So uh I was wondering if you'd like to maybe be my girlfriend?"

Draco was quite mad. The thought of Victoria with any other man apart from him made his blood boil.

"About that, I uh I think we should remain friends"

"And why is that?"

"I've my eyes on someone else. We can still be friends though"

"That sounds good as well"

They both hugged each other.

"Bye Cedric"

"Bye Victoria"

Victoria then walked behind Draco without him noticing.

"It's rude to eavesdrop Draco"

He jumped and turned around. His face was red.

"I was not eavesdropping!"

"Sure you weren't"

"Whatever. Let's just go"

The two of them walked back to the common room. They were laughing with each other until they entered the room. Many of the Slytherins were there.

"You two look like you had fun"

"Oh shut up Parkinson. What are you lot up to?"

"Well we're playing truth or dare, do you and Vic care to join?"

"Why not"

They both joined the circle.

Looks like Victoria and Cedric are friends now. And her and Draco both seem to fancy people. Hope you guys are enjoying!

Teasing (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now