Chapter 6

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My heart was beating really fast when I saw how he was looking at me. He slowly leaned in and his lips barely brushed against mine when suddenly the door slammed open and Tae came in.

Tae: What's taking you both so long—

He gasped and put his hand over his mouth. Our eyes widened and Jungkook quickly got up and pulled me up.

JK: It's not what it looks like.

Y/N: Listen to me-

Tae walked towards us and pulled us into a group hug. I was confused as to what the hell this fool was doing.

Tae: I'm proud of you both, give me some good news soon.

He said, winking at us and leaving the room. I quickly grabbed the back of his coat and turned him around.

Y/N: Not so fast...If Jimin finds out I will give you a one-way ticket to hell...

JK: Have a safe trip Hyung.

He said, smiling. Tae looked at me nervously.

Tae: I promise I won't tell Jimin—

JM: Won't tell me what?

I looked behind Tae and saw Jimin leaning against the door. I let go of Tae and looked at Jimin with an angelic smile but he completely ignored me and looked at Tae.

JM: I think you have something to tell me Tae.

JK: I don't think he has anything to say Hyung don't worry—

JM: Tae...I also don't have any problem with beating you up so you better tell me what you saw.

He said placing a hand on Tae's shoulder. Tae took a deep breath.

Tae: IwalkedintotheroomandsawJungkookontopofY/Nandtheywereabouttokiss.

Jimin's eyes widened and he looked at us and then looked back at Tae furiously.


Tae: I didn't mean to—

JM: Whatever, you guys can continue, I'll keep him out.

I got really embarrassed and just hid my face. I looked at Jungkook and he was also just staring at the ground, looking like a tomato. I cleared my throat.

Y/N: S-so should we start setting up the monopoly?


I was sitting on the couch with Tae waiting for those two to finish up their business.

JM: So, wait he was on top of her?

Tae: Yeah.

JM: So, like, were they already kissing when you went inside?

Tae: What?! No, he was going to kiss her.

JM: Your timing is terrible.

Tae: I know right, but I feel like even if I hadn't interrupted them, nothing would've happened.

JM: That's also true. Y/N would've pushed him away, but according to what you said don't you think she would've already pushed him the second he landed on her?

Tae: Everything's going too fast...

I nodded in agreement and we stayed quite for a while. Until, Y/N and Jungkook showed up.

Y/N: Can we start playing now?


We were on our way back to the house and it was pretty late. The match went on longer than we expected and we did a lot of other things. I won, as usual and Jimin Hyung lost, as usual. Y/N and I didn't really say much to each other after what happened in her room. I looked over to her side only to find her asleep. I chuckled at her sleeping figure and continued driving. We finally reached and I woke her up.

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