Chapter 16

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My whole body was paining and I wanted to end everything once and for all, I was sick and tired of fighting for myself and living my life in fear. I could hear a lot of noise but now it was fading and I could finally end this. I slowly stopped breathing and I could feel my body relax, but then Jungkook's face flashed across my mind, then Jimin and then Tae and all the happy memories we had together and all the memories we could create in the future. I suddenly didn't feel like giving up and decided that I wanted to fight back even if it was painful. I felt a sudden jolt of electricity go through my body and I gasped.


Her body suddenly arched back and she gasped and her heart rate monitor wasn't a flat line anymore. I sighed in relief and dropped on my knees. They immediately moved her to the operation theatre without wasting any more time. I looked at my hands which now had her blood on it and I burst into tears. Jimin and Tae were immediately by my side. Tae Hyung wiped my tears with the sleeve of his shirt.

Tae: She's fine now Jungkook, she's breathing, she hasn't left us.

JK: Hyung, you saw what he did to her? You saw the condition she was in? B-blood was covering her w-whole body a-and you heard how loud she screamed. It must have h-hurt so much and we couldn't do anything—

I couldn't control myself as I continued crying. I looked over at Jimin Hyung.

JK: H-hyung, sh-she took that bullet for me, if I had—

JM: Don't say that, it's not your fault, it was her choice, and I'm pretty sure we would have all done the same, understood? Now stop crying, let's go get our wounds treated, come.

I pulled him up and we headed towards one of the rooms.


I was dying inside and I wanted to just sit and cry or go hug Y/N or just go kill Hyoshin with my own hands. I wanted to see my sister safe in my arms, I was feeling so many things all at once but I had to keep it together, especially after seeing the condition Jungkook was in, I realised that being older than him, I needed to take care of him and I had to keep myself from breaking down. We all went to get our own minor wounds treated. Jungkook and Tae got their wounds treated and it was my turn, while the nurse was bandaging my hand, I saw their expressions and I let out a sigh. They looked broken from both inside and outside. We all headed outside and saw Dr Jin running towards us, we quickly went to him.

JIN: Ok, so—

JM: Is she okay?

JIN: As I was—

Tae: Can we go see her?

JIN: Not—

JK: Is she alright now?

He let out a deep sigh.

JIN: Can you please let me speak?

We all kept quiet and let him talk.

JIN: Thank you, now, we've taken out the bullet from her body and we've treated all her wounds but I have to tell you, her condition is still extremely weak, she barely survived, she'd lost way too much blood, I really don't know how she pulled through but fortunately for us she did. We're going to observe her for now because we don't know when anything can go wrong. Everything is under control as of now but anything can happen at any time, you understand? I know I shouldn't be saying this, but it would be better if you mentally prepare yourself for any type of news.

We all nodded with heavy hearts.

[Tae POV]

JIN: Umm, Taehyung can I have a word with you?

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