Chapter 1

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It was just a normal day for Bumblebee he had left Drift in charge at the scrapyard while he was on a much needed vacation visiting Cybertron.

He decided to stop by the Autobot base where he was greeted by Ratchet and Optimus Prime. And they told him about a strange string of attacks that had been happening on Cybertron.

And showed him some footage of a seeker.

"So Starscream's gone back to his old look from during the war?" Asked Bumblebee recognizing the seeker right away.

"It's not Starscream we exiled Starscream to the ruins of Vos and have been monitoring him to make sure he doesn't leave that area." Ratchet explained. "There are cameras there so we can see every move he makes."

"But if that's not Starscream then who is it?" Bumblebee questioned.

"We believe it is one of Starscream's clones." Optimus told him.

"But I thought they were all destroyed." Bumblebee reply.

"Starscream has an abnormal spark so we think it's possible that at least one of his clones might have gotten it as well." Ratchet explained.

Then they showed Bumblebee some of the footage of Starscream in Vos and some of the attacks that had been happening at the sametime.

Starscream actually seemed pretty content in the ruins of Vos and even stop to wave at or make faces at the cameras a few time.

But they could tell Starscream wasn't responsible for the attacks because of the timing. And Starscream and the clone looked different from each other now.

But then they noticed something strange happened Starscream's clone was hit in the faceplates during one of the attacks and Starscream seemed to feel it too. And they remembered hearing about Starscream feeling what his clones did.

But the strange thing was when Starscream stump his ped on a rock and his clone suddenly limped for a minute.

"That's strange he didn't say anything about his clones feeling his pain too." said Ratchet.

"Maybe their link works both ways now?" Bumblebee thought out loud. "Maybe Starscream could help locate his clone so we can apprehend him."

"It may be worth a try." Optimus agreed.

Later the three of them went to Vos to ask Starscream to help find his clone and offer him a full pardon in exchange for his help.

But he just laugh at them.

"Why would I help you guys after everything you put me through during the war?" Starscream said to them.

"We'll give you a full pardon so you can go anywhere you want and won't be stuck here anymore." Bumblebee offered.

"I'm just fine right here with no one to bother me and if my clone wants to hurt Autobots and make a mess of Cybertron more power to him." Starscream replied.

"Well if you change your mind you can call us on your com-link." Bumblebee told him.

"I won't because Megatron isn't the only one who hurt me during the war." Starscream said as he went inside the building he'd been staying in slamming the door in their faces.

"Well that went well." Ratchet huffed.

Then they decided they would go get some of the others to help them not thinking the seeker would come around anytime soon.

Starscream watched them leave through the window he decided he would rather stay in the ruins of Vos then help his old enemies. He knew they'd be able to handle his clone without him and if not who cared he wanted his clone to make them pay for having wronged him.

And even if he was aloud to freely rome Cybertron where would he go and who would accept him? He didn't care what happened to Cybertron or the bots and cons on it he'd never truly have a place among them.

So he decided not to think of it and went back to his daily routine.

Upon getting back to base they called in the rest of the Autobots who were on Cybertron. Which was Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead, Arcee, Smokescreen and Wheeljack. Windblade and Jazz had gone to Earth and were with Bee's team at the scrapyard.

They decided they had to be careful because they didn't know what Starscream's clone was planning.

When suddenly Ratchet's com-link went off and he answered it. "Yes?"

"We have a problem." Knock Out's voice came over the com-link.

"What is it?" Asked Ratchet having wondered why Knock Out hadn't come to base with the others.

"I was about to answer Optimus's call when I got paged from the hospital about an emergency and a patient who was critical." Knock Out replied.

"No problem patients always have to come first." Ratchet told him understanding as a medic. And the others who were listening all nodded in agreement.

"You didn't let me finish the patient in question is Megatron and he's in bad shape." Knock Out explained.

After the call ended they had gone to the hospital and Ratchet was able to put together that Starscream's clone had somehow done this to Megatron.

He and Knock Out could see where Starscream's clone had used his claws to basically slice Megatron apart. The old warlord was hanging on but just barely.

"How in the Allspark did he do this?" Asked Smokescreen. "I mean Megatron beat Starscream up all the time during the war what happened?"

"I have no clue how could Starscream's clone do this to Megatron?" Asked Arcee.

"Well I checked and some red energon and some weapons from our vault are missing." Explained Ultra Magnus who had just walked in.

"He must have used the red energon to go at hyper speed and take down Megatron before he had a chance to know what hit him." Wheeljack added.

"If Starscream's clone has stolen weapons and red energon then we have a problem." Said Bulkhead.

Meanwhile on another part of Cybertron Shockwave was in his lab and getting ready to work on one of his experaments when the next thing he knew he was shoved onto his own lab table.

Whatever did it was so fast he didn't even have time to see them no less fight back but felt claws dig into his frame before the chronic psychic patch was plugged into the back of his helm and he was sucked into his own mind.

"So how does it feel to be plugged into your own patch I think since you invented this wretched thing it would be only logical to punish you with it." Starscream's clone mocked.

"Now I think I'll perform a mind rip on you and then let's see how logical or illogical you are?" He added.

Starscream's clone had come back online as a ghost and found where his body had been stored then took over the body of the Autobot Brainstorm who had just been at the wrong place at the wrong time and used him to repair it then killed him after taking back his body and coming back online.

Then he discovered that he still had Starscream's memories even ones that happened after he had been offline by him. And those memories haunted him as nightmares.

He decided that maybe if he killed everyone who wronged him maybe the nightmares would go away. And he'd make sure he'd kill Starscream last knowing he would feel it too since the link now worked both ways for some reason.

But he wanted Starscream to pay for shooting him. And offlining him. So the pain would be worth it.

The clone had named himself Battlescream and would now stop at nothing till vengeance was his.

To Be Continued.

Hope this first chapter turned out OK. I know I probably shouldn't be starting this now I was going to wait till I finished Transformers Offspring but the plot bunnies wouldn't go away and I thought this would be a good story since we're getting close to Halloween. So I decided to start it early. I'll try to update all my current stories soon in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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