Chapter 6

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While Battlescream had been busy killing Megatron. Ratchet had gotten the paddles and started using them desperately trying to resuscitate Knock Out.

The red medic wasn't responding but Ratchet not wanting to give up kept using the paddles on him.

"Knock Out come on don't do this!" Ratchet begged the red mech. As he continued to try to bring him back online.

Then Sunray who just walked in noticed something green in Knock Out's energon drip. And quickly got the IV out. Then ran off and got an antidote that she injected him with.

Then Ratchet started using the paddles on Knock Out again.

But still not getting a response Ratchet put down the paddles and was just about to pronounce him dead but then Sunray stopped him and relief washed over him when she pointed out that Knock Out's signal had come back online.

And then they managed to get him stable again but he still hadn't come out of his coma so Ratchet hooked him up to a fresh none contaminated energon drip.

"There was Tox-en in his energon drip." Sunray explained.

"Someone must have tried to offline him." Ratchet agreed. "We should get someone to guard his room so nothing like this happens again."

"And great job just now." Ratchet added. "You saved his life."

"It was a team effort." She replied smiling at him. "It was you who got his spark back online with the paddles."

Then they went and got Smokescreen to stand watch outside Knock Out's room to make sure there were no more attempts on the red medic's life.

Meanwhile Battlescream had just finished killing Shockwave by opening his spark chamber and smothering his spark.

While meanwhile poor Starscream was still paralyzed in the cave and was forced to watch again.

"Now I think I'll pay a visit to some femmes." Battlescream said hoping Starscream could hear.

"NO!" Starscream managed to cry out knowing Battlescream was talking about Solarflare and Starshine. "Don't hurt my sister and niece!" He pleaded.

Starscream still couldn't move but he had regained his voice so guessed the paralysis was starting to wear off so started begging Battlescream not to harm his family. Hoping it would carry over and that he'd get through to him.

Then Battlescream reached Solarflare's room where she was in sleep mode and was just about to stab her with his claws when Starshine who had just gotten back started fighting him.

He decided to try to kill her first then he would kill Solarflare. Starscream was still trying to beg him to stop. And Battlescream could hear Starscream in his head over the link they had and he was ignoring him.

But started yelling at him to shut up. And Starshine took notice of this.

"You should kill Starscream first he will just hinder your plans and all this is his fault he needs to be put down." She told Battlescream.

"The only reason you really haven't killed him yet is because your afraid of the pain it will make you feel. But think about it with him gone you'll be free." She added.

"Leave Mom and me alone and I won't tell anyone." She then promised.

In the cave Starscream was now sobbing his own niece wanted him offlined but he really didn't blame her after everything he had done in the past. And at least now she and her mother would be safe.

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