Chapter 7

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Later Starscream was visiting with Knock Out. And the seeker just kept apologizing for what his clone did to the red medic.

Knock Out kept telling him none of it was his fault. And could tell that Starscream had been traumatized by seeing Battlescream kill Megatron and Shockwave. And thinking he had been killed as well for awhile.

"I watched both of them die and thought I watched you die." Starscream explained sadly. "And then saw him go after my sister and niece and there was nothing I could do about any of it."

"It's OK Screamer none of that was your fault. And both Solarflare and Starshine are fine. And I'm OK now too." Knock Out tried to reassure his best friend.

"My clone made me think he was going to shoot Ratchet while he was trying to save you and then I saw the spark monitor flatline before he left." Starscream almost sobbed knowing his best friend had been clinically dead for the whole time the monitor had flatlined.

"How long..?" He trailed off not liking the question as the words came out of his mouth.

"Ratchet said my signal was offline for three minutes." Knock Out choked inwardly cringing at just how close he had come to joining the Allspark.

Then Starscream told him about how Megatron had mistook Battlescream for him and apologized right before he killed him.

Then Knock Out continued talking to and trying to help comfort his friend. He had started thinking of the seeker as like a brother. And felt bad for him seeing how hard he was taking all this.

Knock Out continued to chat with the seeker hoping to get his mind off thing.

Meanwhile Arcee had come back from going to apprehend Battlescream but found him gone and reported that he was still at large.

"Hey Arcee how's it going?" Asked Tigers Eye he and Arcee were good friend since Tailgate had been his cousin.

"Okey it would be going better if Starscream's clone was behind bars." She replied.

"I'm sure we'll get him sooner or later." He told her. "I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone else."

Just then Razorjaw came and joined them. "What's up guys?" He asked.

"I went to the cave to get Starscream's clone but he had already woke up and left before I got there." Arcee explained.

"So he's still out there." Razorjaw said not sounding happy. None of them were knowing Battlescream might still go after their friends.

"I know what if we set a trap for him?" Asked Tigers Eye.

"Good idea but what kind of trap and how will we lure him into it?" Razorjaw questioned.

"He seem to be going after bots and cons who he thinks wronged Starscream and I once beat him pretty good when he tried to join us during the war so I'll be the bait." Arcee agreed.

Then they got to work planning the trap.

Later Starscream was watching horror movies with Knock Out when he suddenly had another vision.

Knock Out knew something was wrong when he saw the seeker just looking off into space. So he pause the movie and went to his side having just been let off bed rest a few hours before.

"What's wrong?" Asked Knock Out.

"It's my clone." Starscream replied and Knock Out could hear the uneasiness in the seeker's voice.

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