Chapter 5

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Warning this chapter gets pretty dark and might make you cry. Just give you a heads up.

Starscream woke up in a cave somewhere and saw Battlescream standing over him.

"Welcome back lord Starscream." He said mockingly.

Starscream wanted to attack him but quickly realized he was chained down on the floor of the cave. But that didn't stop the seeker from pulling at his restraints.

"You monster how dare you almost kill Knock Out and attack my niece and sister!" Starscream roared at him.

Battlescream bent down next to Starscream who was still stuck on the floor because of the chains.

Then used his claw to slash the seeker across the cheek drawing energon and making him cry out in pain. And Battlescream held his servo on his cheek after doing so having felt it as well.

"I feel your pain really I do." He hissed in Starscream audio receptors. The same words Starscream said to him before he shot him.

Then took out another syringe Starscream saw it and thrashed around a bit desperately trying to avoid being given whatever that shot was.

But since he was chained Battlescream was able to easily overpower him and Starscream ended up being given the shot in his shoulder.

The seeker squirmed around for a few minutes trying to fight the effects of whatever he had just been given. But his face suddenly fell into a dazed looked as he stopped thrashing and his body was forced to relax.

Now all Starscream could do was look up at his clone. He was trying to speak but was to weak to form words.

Then Battlescream went over and held Starscream head up forcing the stunned seeker to make eye contact. Then took the chains off him.

But poor Starscream was completely unable to move do to whatever he had just been drugged with. He couldn't fight, attempt to escape or even yell for help.

"Don't worry you'll stay fully conscious and the paralysis will were off in a couple of days." Battlescream told him darkly.

Starscream didn't even have the strength to glare at him to spite wanting too. He hated his clone for doing this to him and going after his friends and family.

Then Battlescream blast the exit of the cave and made it cave in blocking the only way out.

"Just in case the drugs wear off before I come back to kill you." Battlescream added.

Then he took out a ground bridge remote and opened a ground bridge portal. Then went over and moved Starscream to make sure he would be in an uncomfortable position wanting him to suffer as much as possible without hurting himself.

"Now just relax and enjoy the show while I go kill everyone who's ever wronged me." Battlescream said to him.

"No..." Starscream managed to choke out.

"Since they wronged you too I thought you'd like this part." Battlescream mocked. Before he walked through the ground bridge and left Starscream who could only watch him leave laying there helplessly.

Battlescream came out of the ground bridge outside the hospital and snuck inside.

While meanwhile in the cave poor Starscream could only lay there but was having another vision and seeing everything his clone was doing. Never in his life had Starscream felt so powerless.

He saw Battlescream grab a tube of something from the hospital's lab then go into a room. Where Knock Out was still laying on a medical berth having not come out of his coma yet.

"Hope you can see this Starscream because my victim's energon will also be on your servos." Battlescream hissed not knowing if the other seeker could hear him or if he was having one of the visions form their link or not.

While in the cave Starscream was laying there still paralyzed and was now crying coolant tears that he couldn't even move his servos to wipe away. So they were just rolling down his faceplates.

He had to watch Battlescream take the tube and put some kind of substance into Knock Out's energon drip.

"Don't worry the good doctor will join his friend Breakdown in the Allspark now." Starscream heard his clone say darkly. Starscream knew even though Battlescream felt like they wronged him too from having his memories that he was really just doing this to get revenge on him because he was the one who had killed him in the past.

Then Starscream saw Knock Out start to shake as if he were having a seizure while his vitals started going crazy.

Then Battlescream snuck out just as alarms started going off on the monitors and Starscream saw Ratchet rush in to try to help Knock Out and figure out what was wrong.

And to Starscream's horror he saw Battlescream aim one of his missile at the old medic's back from outside the door and Ratchet was to busy trying to save Knock Out to notice him there.

But Battlescream lower his weapon. "Another time I have a different target in mind for now and I think I'll let the medic live long enough to fail his patient." Battlescream said hoping in a whisper hoping that Starscream could hear him.

"But I just thought I'd let you know that I could kill Ratchet right now with Knock Out if I wanted too." He added then peeked in and saw Knock Out flatline.

Poor Starscream wanted to scream at the top of his voice box and would have but still couldn't scream do to the paralysis. He felt a mix of grief and rage having just watched his best friend die.

Then he felt panic when he saw where Battlescream was going now. Megatron's room. Megatron was just starting to open his optics coming out of his coma but the former leader of the Decepticons was in no shape to fight yet.

Megatron's optics widened when he saw who was standing over him. He remembered the seeker was the one who had hurt him. And started to reach for the call button that was by the berth.

But Battlescream stabbed his claws into the old warlord's servo so he couldn't reach it.

"Starscream I'm sorry for everything I abused you and mistreated you both physically and psychologically there's no excuse for the things I did to you." Megatron told the seeker who he thought was his former second in command. 

"If you want vengeance take it but please don't let hate consume you like it once did me." Megatron added with genuine remorse in his voice.

Only for Battlescream to suddenly dig his claws into Megatron's neckcables and rip out his voice box.

"My biggest mistake the first time was not doing that first." Battlescream hissed at him. "Apology not accepted." "Rust in peace Master!"

And with that he rip open Megatron's spark chamber and rip his spark out. Then watch his optics stop glowing and his frame faded from silver to gunmetal gray.

Battlescream then wiped a coolant tear from his optics. "Where did that come from?" He growled before continuing on his way.

In the cave Starscream was now sobbing harder he had just seen and heard the whole thing. Not only was Megatron dead but he had tried to make amends and apologized to him. And the worst part is Megatron had gone out thinking Starscream killed him.

"I do forgive you!" Starscream thought. He wanted more then anything to put his clone in the scarp heap he had just killed Knock Out and Megatron.

"No." Starscream thought sadly. "He didn't kill them I did I made Battlescream when I cloned myself and then I filled him with hate when I killed him."

"He's doing all of this to get at me." Starscream sobbed. "All I do is hurt people I'm a monster and their energon really is on my servos."

To Be Continued.

Sorry that was a sad and dark chapter. Hope it turned out OK. And don't worry the next one gets better. I'll try to have it up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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