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Five years later

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Five years later...

   Varian, now twenty-one, walked down the halls of the castle. He was scribbling down notes for a new invention in his notebook.

   Focusing on his work, he passed by Rapunzel's bedroom. She was getting fitted for a new dress for her parents 30th anniversary.

   Varian walked passed the open door, but did a double take when he thought he saw someone familiar out of the corner of his eye. He looked through the doorway. The seamstress was knelt down and adjusting the hem of Rapunzel's dress.

   Varian though he recognized her, but before he could get a closer look, one of Rapunzel's lady-in-waitings came up to him. "No peaking, you pervert," she said, and slammed the door in Varian's face.

   "O-oh... no, I-I wasn't..." Varian stuttered out. He sighed and continued walking. But he couldn't focus on his machine any more. He could've sworn he recognized that seamstress.

   He continued to walk down the halls until he ran into Eugene, Rapunzel's husband. "Oh, hey Eugene," Varian said.

   "Hey, buddy," Eugene replied. "Hey I'm glad I ran into you. I've got some ideas for Team Awesome's logo that I think you'll like."

   As Eugene began to talk, Varian saw a woman walk by out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned around to look at her.

   She had on a dark blue shirt, a white vest on top of that, and black pants.

   "U-uh, hey Eugene," Varian said as the woman turned a corner. "I need to go. We can discuss this later, 'kay?"

   He started to walk after the woman. Walking turned to jogging, and jogging into running.

   She walked down the steps outside the castle. Before she could leave the gates, Varian caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder. She turned around. "Varian?"


   The two old friends stared into each other's eyes.

   "Long time no see, huh?" (Y/N) said with a small smile.

   "Yeah," Varian replied. "W-what are you doing here? What happened to Santa Fe?"

   (Y/N) shrugged. "What's Santa Fe got that here ain't? Tarantulas?" They both chuckled. "Besides, I got family here in the seven kingdoms."

   They stood in silence, awkwardly fiddling with their fingers.

   "So, uh, (Y/N)..." Varian started. "Um... maybe we could, continue where we left off? You know... with... us..."

   "Yeah... I'd like that," (Y/N) replied. "Don't take much to be a dreamer
All you do is close your eyes
But some made up world is all you ever see
Now my eyes is finally open
And my dreams, theys comin' true
But they don't much matter
If you ain't with me

   Varian grabbed (Y/N)'s waist and kissed her. They kissed for a while until they heard whistling behind them and they broke apart.

   Owen, Jamie, Louis, and Benjamin were standing at the gates to the castle. Owen and Jamie were the ones who whistled.

   "It's been long enough," Owen said.

   "It's good to see you guys again," Varian said with a smile, his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

   "Good to see ya, too, V," Louis said.

   "W-Wait— Louis?! Your leg?!"

   Louis no longer had his crutch with him. He was standing properly by himself. "Yeah, cool right?" Louis replied. He started to hop around.

   "Careful buddy," Jamie warned. "The doctor said to go easy on it."

   "Don't worry," Louis responded. "I'll be fine." He stopped hoping.

   "So, what are you all doing here?" Varian asked.

   "Well, I'm glad you asked, Blue-Stripe-With-Goggles-Guy!" Owen said. "Other than the fact that our amazin' little sista here got an order to make a dress for the princess, Jamie and I have opened a joke shop."

   "A joke shop?"

   "Yeah!" Jamie exclaimed. "It's a shop where you can get all sorts of fun stuff to use to prank your friends! We just opened our first shop here in Corona."

   "So, you're here to stay?" Varian asked.

   "Yup," Benjamin, who had grown up and was now a teenager, replied. "We're not goin' anywhere."

   "Say, let's all go out to eat. And I'll pay this time," (Y/N) said.

   Everyone agreed and they all headed out the gates towards the kingdom, (Y/N) and Varian hand in hand.

   Everyone agreed and they all headed out the gates towards the kingdom, (Y/N) and Varian hand in hand

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•703 words•

𝚂𝚎𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚢 [Varian x Reader] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now