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After a real long drive, they reached a really big mansion and outside that mansion stood two watch guards. Sarah was really shook after seeing such a big house but she already knew that he was rich by his dressing style and his car. She was feeling a bit insecure because she had just came into a house of a man whom she couldn't trust at all. But she kept strong so that she couldn't show it out."Will you please come out of the car??", said Max in an annoying tone but tried to be sweet."Yahh!! I am your wife now talk to me politely!!",said Sarah in an angry tone. Max was shocked to see her behaving like that but he didn't reacted. On the other side,Sarah thought that she had to act in front of the workers of the mansion too. Max took her hand towards the mansion. Sarah at that time tried to act just like Max did. She didn't knew where he was taking her so she just silently kept following him. At last he took her to the bedroom 😆. She was shook at where he really bought her. She jerked off her hand when they reached the room and he closed the door from the back.

Sarah: "yahh!!! Are a mad!!??? Do you really think that I will sleep in the same room as you!!???"
Max:"Do you really think I would like to sleep with you?? (he immediately regretted what he said)I-I mean in the same room as you!!"
Sarah:"Gooshhh!!! This wasn't I deserved!!" (she whispered) Ohh so! Is this my room for now??
Max: "uhh... Actually its my room...but we must share it👉👈"
Sarah: "ARE U KIDDING ME!!!???? HOW CAN I-"

He puts a finger on her mouth to shut her~

Max: "I am really sorry...but all these workers have been put here by my dad and they literally inform everything about me everyday. I think he knew that we aren't in such a good relationship that's why he specially ordered them to look if I let you sleep in other room. He would literally kill me!"

Sarah: "I don't care!! I won't be sleeping in the same room as you...I am going!!"

She goes out and thinks of asking for a room from one of the workers but they all said we can't and they lead her to the room of Max only~

At last she came back in his room and he had already changed his clothes in casual~

Sarah: "I mean...what kind of stupidness is this!!??? Do you really think I can the same room....with a stranger!!??? I don't even know you that much!!"
Max: "Don't worry....(he took some blankets and pillows and went to a sofa which was in the room only) You can sleep on the bed I will sleep on the sofa."

Sarah: "No! I don't like taking anything from someone so I will sleep on the sofa (she took her blankets with her and kept them on the sofa)"

Max: "Alright then..."

Sarah was shocked that he just simply said ok and didn't even care about how she will sleep. She was annoyed but thought of being stubborn so slept there only. She felt uncomfortable all night coz she never thought of sleeping like that on sofa and on the other hand, Max was sleeping peacefully."I don't know what sins I did in my life that I have to suffer this much!!",Sarah said to herself in an annoying tone before falling asleep.

The next day~

Sarah woke up on the sofa and remembered how hectic last night's events were. She saw Max coming out of the washroom with a towel on his head. He had just washed up and he was out in his normal casuals."Woah!! He looks just....woah!!",thought Sarah. She changed her thoughts in a minute and got up from the sofa...ruffling her hair."Come down to eat breakfast..would you??", said Max."Yeah I am coming",said Sarah going into the washroom. She was really confused as to how to really act in this kind of relationship. She really didn't knew as to what she should really do."Here mam" directed a maid to the Dining hall. It was really very big and it had a really big table with many chairs. Sarah thought for a moment that Max must be having a really big family but in real it was just him who lived in such a big house. She sat on a chair which was a bit far from Max. He let out a sigh. The breakfast had a really awkward silence as they both didn't knew what they could talk about. After they both had finished their breakfast,Max got a call and went to attend it. He came back with a really shocking face. Sarah couldn't hold herself in and just asked him as to what happened. He didn't replied. After a second,Sarah got a call from her father."Hii dad!! What happened??",said Sarah."Sarah I know it was a hectic day yesterday and you must be shocked and you don't know your husband so well...that's why your father in law have booked a package for Paris..just like honeymoon so that you both can some spend some quality time together...It's of just a month so I would say to enjoy there and get to know each other better!!,said her dad in a exciting tone."BUT DAD-" "If you love me, you will go and won't say anything..beep!!",her father cut her off and the call got disconnected. She was really shocked and just kept giving death stares to Max. But she knew that it wasn't his fault but Max's father was like without saying anything she just simply went to Max's room.

After a while Max came and tried to calm her down as he already knew that she was really full of rage."uhh..if you don't want it, I will try to convince my dad but please don't get-" "No..don't fight him,he won't be knowing what we are doing in Paris so we can simply live separately there and after a month when we come back, we can simply get separated after that!!, Sarah cut him off and simply started packing her belongings. Max knew how his dad really is but he didn't want to inform her right now. "You are really ok right??",said Max in a worried tone "Yes I am",said Sarah in a stern voice.

~time skip~~at the airport~

"I MEAN DON'T YOU THINK WE HAVE OUR OWN PRIVACY!!!!???", shouted Sarah but tried her best to be calm."We are really sorry but mam sir actually said us to accompany you both..",said one out of the five workers who followed them to the airport. Max already knew how his dad was and why he sent those workers like some kind of detectives. At that moment he could do just one thing and that was to calm Sarah down who was full of rage as her plan was all spoiled...😂


Heya friends!! I hope you liked this part!! I wrote this part in just 30 minutes so there maybe chances that you might find mistakes...Please ignore my mistakes!! 🙏😅😅 Tell me in the comments if you liked this part!! 😄😄

I purple you all!! 💜💜

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