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Sarah was totally shocked to see that his so called father in law is such a privacy killer that even during such a private thing, he sent his workers so that they could keep a check on them. "I will talk to father in law can you please go!!??", said Sarah in an annoying tone. Sarah thought of calling her father in law and she did. "Father in law sir, I request you to please ask your workers to go because we also need some privacy.", said Sarah in a stern voice. "I sent them so that they can help you live there comfortably", said Detective K in sarcasm. "No sir! We can live together without the need of anyone", said Sarah. "Ok then..", he said and the call got disconnected. He then called the workers and asked them to come back. They simply bowed towards them both and left. Sarah now felt relieved but Max knew what kind of privacy stealer his father is.

~time skip~~ at the airport of Paris~

"Let's go", said Max giving a sigh as if he knew something is about to happen. "Yeah I am coming!", said Sarah while picking up her bags. They reached a really luxurious resort as if was just made for them but there were many people. Max was being really throughout their trip from airport to the resort. Sarah asked him, "What's the matter?? Why are you looking so anxious??". "Ohh it's nothing", said Max giving a smile. He was trying to look if his godfather had put some kind of detective behind them but he couldn't find one.

They reached their room in which they were thinking they would find two different beds but to their surprise it was just one king sized bed without any sofas or anything inside the room. "WHAT THE HELL!!!??? THEY HAVE AN EXTRA SOFA OR SOMETHING!!! WE ALSO ASKED FOR ANOTHER BED!!!!", shouted Sarah as they had just entered the room. "gossh!! It must be your dad right!?", said Sarah while giving death stares to Max. He simply called the office to add one more bed or sofa in the room but they simply said that they can't add it in their package!! Sarah was flabbergasted to see how his so called father in law is behaving like that. After an hour or two, Max was able to arrange one sofa in their room so that they both could live without making either of them feel insecure.

~time skip~~at night time~

After having dinner, they both thought of sleeping as they both were tired. Sarah was tired so without knowing she instantly slept on the bed so Max just thought of sleeping on sofa. The moment he was about to lie down, he got a call. That call woke up Sarah so while rubbing her eyes she gave Max an annoying look and went back to sleep again. After taking that call, Max got up changed his clothes and woke up Sarah to tell her that he has somewhere to go.

~call with his godfather~

Max: Yes sir...what was you were talking about?

Detective K: I have a small mission for you in Paris. I hope you don't  have a problem.

Max: Yes sir...please tell me what is it.

Detective K: A group of terrorist are about to attack a resort in Paris. But we couldn't  know which resort it was so we must wait for their next steps. I want you to take care of that group and if you find them, first let them attack before defense. I hope you have understood.

Max: Yes sir I have understood

~the call ended~

A group of terrorist was about to attack a resort in Paris so that they could keep the people inside as captive and then threaten the government to release their other members of the group. Max thought of first look for them and watch their steps as to which resort they are about to attack~

~the next morning~

Sarah woke up and saw that Max wasn't  there. He wasn't in the washroom either. She was shocked to see because it was just 5:00 in the morning at that time. She thought of not worrying about him and went to take a shower and get ready. As she was getting ready she had a thought as to what work his so called husband does. "I never thought about it...but what exactly he is??", she thought to herself. She was sitting on the bed and thought of just contacting him for once. She called him, but his phone was switched off. At that moment, she really started to worry about him a bit. She tried everything but couldn't contact him. She asked the reception if they had seen him going out but they said that he didn't  came back last night. She thought of not worrying about him anymore. "Anyways...why am I worrying about him so much when I don't love him?? It's not like this was a true marriage!!", she said to herself and started checking her instagram in phone. After a moment only, there was a knock on door and to her surprise, it was Max. He was wearing black clothes and had single earphone in his right ear just like a detective. "Where were you all night??", asked Sarah not making eye contact. "Why do you care??", Max said mocking her. "Well....I really don't care!! I just asked you like that..", said Sarah feeling a bit embarrassed. Max went to the washroom to get washed up when Sarah's mind was full of confusing thoughts. "Why would I care about him?? But...why is he wearing these kind of black clothes?? Its not like he is some kind of detective!!", she thought to herself and giggled a bit.

They both went outside as per their package and went to many beautiful places. But Sarah could notice that his mind was somewhere else in the whole trip. He just kept looking at his tab and phone and just kept attending phone calls. Sarah got really annoyed and asked him after sometime, "Yahh!! Why are you doing work here too!!??? You can do it after the trip. Didn't your father said!!???". "umm...I think I have got some work so you do everything...I will go...come in the resort before 8:00", he said and without looking back, he went away. Sarah didn't  knew what to do so she simply went back to the resort.

~Max at a call~

Max: Sir...I think they are about to attack the same hotel in which we are only...

Detective K: I think you should make some kind of excuse get Sarah out of there immediately!!

Max: Don't worry...I asked her to come back till 8:00 so she won't be at resort.

Detective K: that's  a relief... So I hope you can get those terrorist caught...I trust you son.

Max: Yes sir

~the call ended~

Sarah came back to the resort not knowing anything and Max thought that she must be outside~
Something tickled Max and he thought of giving a call before going to  Sarah~

Max: Where are you?? You are near the Eiffel tower right??

Sarah: I was tired so I came back to the resort.

Max: Ohh shit!!!!

What Max was fearing the most happened at last~

                                    TO BE CONTINUED...

Hii guys!! Hope you all are doing well!! Please ignore if I have made any mistakes...because I feel I must have..😅

                                    I purple you all!! 💜💜

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