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~time skip~~the next day~

Sarah was at the headquarters getting all the details of the mission she was about to do with Max in 2 days.

"Yeah sir..I understood everything don't worry", Sarah said confidently.

"I believe you Sarah but I am just scared for Max..he always does some mistake in the mission when he is worried", Detective K spoke being a bit concern.

"What is he worried about?", Sarah said.

"He is worried about you..because it's your first mission", Detective K blurted out.

"Is that afraidy cat even real?", Sarah thought to herself and giggled.

"Anyways..I will explain to him sir..I know he will understand", Sarah said giggling even more now.

"Okay then", Detective K replied laughing at how Sarah was giggling.

~time skip~~at the mansion~

Sarah was preparing for her mission and Max was out somewhere. She didn't worry about him that much because she knew he takes care of his business on his own.

It was around 12:00 AM. Sarah thought she should sleep now. But she heard the main door opening and shutting.

"It must be Max only", she thought to herself.

She went to the washroom to do her night routine as she heard the bedroom door opening. Sarah was humming one of her favourite song.

"I need you girl.." "hmmmm" (I need you by BTS) 

She heard that Max was mumbling something from the outside. She ignored him and completed her night routine.

She came out of the washroom and saw what she hadn't expect..

Max was standing half naked, his back facing towards Sarah. She gasped loudly and turned around. "What the hell are you doing Max!!??", she shouted. 

"Ohh heyy...deaarr wifeeyy", Max said in a eery sound as if he was sleep talking. 

"What happened-" "shuushh!!", Max cut her. Sarah turned around and saw that Max' eyes were a bit red and he had lost his balance. He was drunk. 

He was giggling in a bit funny way but his eyes were screaming anger. 

"Why would he be angry at me?", Sarah thought to herself. 

Max pushed Sarah a little bit and her back hit the wall. "Max..I think you are too much drunk you should slee-" "I want to *hiccup* have a t-talk wiith youu *hiccup*", he cut her  again. 

Max was dangerously close to her. Sarah felt his breath on her face. 

"W-why did you agree to b-become *hiccup* a slut for the mission?", Max said, now his eyes even more red.

"Wait what? Is that why you got drunk?? Is that why are you angry?? It's not like I am going to be a real sl-", Sarah's words got stuck when Max dig his face in her neck. She felt chills down her spine. "M-max I-I'm telling you y-you will regret it should go s-sleep I-" "I love you" , Max cut her off. 

Sarah felt her heartbeats increase. She never expected those words from his mouth. 

Without realising anything, she pushed him and he lost his balance. He fell on his knees. Sarah didn't thought anymore and tried to went to sleep but instead Max pushed her on the bed and hovered over her. "WHaT ThE-", Sarah shouted. 

Max caught Sarah's hand and hold her above her head so that she couldn't escape. Sarah was terrified. She thought something bad is about to happen but she still tried to escape. But after a minute she gave up and stared in Max' dark orbs. His eyes showed that he was really very sad. 

"M-max we can t-talk about it are really v-very tired", Sarah said in calm voice so that he doesn't do something bad to her in anger.

He was silent and just stared at her face. A minute later, he smiled as if he was crazy and moved towards Sarah's sweet red lips. Their lips were inches away when Max turned his face away and dig his head in Sarah's neck. 

"M-max..Max...wake up..what happened??", Sarah said as she removed her hands from his hands and tried to wake him up but he was unconscious.

"Ughh!!!", Sarah groaned. She got up after pushing him on the bed. Flustering already, she just put a warm blanket on his half-naked body and went to sleep..but she couldn't.

~time skip~~next day at the headquarters~

Sarah went to the headquarters to get some more information about the mission. Her head was still filled with the confession of Max of last night. Luckily, Max took a leave today so he was at home still asleep. Sarah wanted to confirm if his confession was real or not. 

"Sarah..are you okay?? You look a little dozed off today", said Detective K being a little concerned. 

"Ohh no sir..I am worries..", she laughed a bit. 

"Do you really think I won't understand..??", he said raising his eyebrows. 

"Was Max really drunk last night??", he sighed. 

"W-what?? Were you with him??", Sarah made a slight shocked face. 

"ohh right..during night time, all the detectives in the headquarters thought of going clubbing. Max drinks rarely because he doesn't really like alcohol but the truth is that he has low tolerance. Last night he drank way too much and made me embarrassed in front of everyone", he spoke and sighed once again. 

"Wait what sir?? I mean..what did he do??", Sarah asked out of curiosity. 

"He was shouting at me for the mission I gave you", he blurted out.

"O-ohh", Sarah replied. 

"Why was he really caring for me that much?? I thought we were just friends but then also he was angry for such a small thing. Why is he being so insecure for me??", Sarah thought to herself. But then a thought clicked her mind. 

"Sir..can I ask you something??", Sarah said to Detective K.

"Oh yeah..go on Sarah", he said. 

"Does Max speaks the truth when he is drunk??", she spoke out. 

Detective K gave a confused look to Sarah. Sighing once again he replied, "No one knows..most of the time it's a lie.."

It hurted Sarah's heart a bit but she didn't care that much because she thought that they are just friends.

"I will leave now sir..Thanks for the details..I will tell them to Max", Sarah spoke and left with a decent smile. 

While on the way to the mansion Sarah was desperate to know if what Max said to her was the truth but all she did was ignore her heart. 

"I am's obvious he doesn't loves me..nor do I", she replied to her inner voice. 

                                                    TO BE CONTINUED...

Hey Guys!!! Finally I wrote it all by myself after using my last two brain cells!! 😅I hope you like this part..and I should tell y'all..I am thinking of making it just teeny tiny bit unholy so I hope you are okay with that!!🌚 It will be added in upcoming parts.

                                  I purple you all!! 💜💜

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