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"I don't know what kind of guy he is...he is such an annoying person ugghh!!", said Max to himself as Detective K left the room.

~time skip~~Sarah's house~ 

"I never called Max, Sarah", said Sarah's dad in a sweet tone. "WHAT DAD!!?? That guy!! I would definitely kill him now... How dare he lie to me!!!???", shouted Sarah as she saw her dad try to calm her down. she was full of rage as she tried to calm herself down but couldn't. She waved goodbye to her father and simply headed towards the mansion thinking of ways to kill Max. 

~time skip~~at the mansion~

Sarah reached the mansion still furious about the lie Max told her. "I mean what kind of stupid jerk is he!!?? WHAT DOES HE THINK HE IS!!!???". She entered the mansion and simply went into his (which was hers too) room. For some time she sat on the bed. But she couldn't control her anger anymore so she thought of doing some physical work which will relieve her a bit. She asked all the housemaids to get some rest and that she would clean the whole mansion. Obviously...It was impossible to clean such a big mansion but she didn't care.

Starting from the hall, she did a bit of dusting, and then little by little, she moved towards other rooms. Without caring about anything, Sarah entered random rooms which she had never checked before. All the workers tried to stop her as if they were trying to hide something. But she didn't stop and became more furious.
After 1-2 hours of cleaning, she thought of resting a bit and noticed that her anger level was now down...but she was not going to leave Max alone. At last, she rested in a study room. " must be that jerk's study room...Is he really so intelligent that he would have such an amazing study room huh!??", she said to herself in annoyance.

As she rested on the sofa near a really big wallpaper, she could notice that the wallpaper was a bit odd. She kept staring at the wallpaper but couldn't find any difference. But then too she felt something if was trying to hide something....big! She changed her mind by exploring the study room.

At that moment, she heard a loud bang on the door. Sarah had mistakenly locked the room door...she didn't mean to. She went to the door and saw one of the workers requesting her like hell to just come out of the study room. "Mam...I please request you to leave this room, otherwise, sir gets angry when someone enters his study room without his permission", said the worker in a worried tone. "Well...I am his wife so I can enter whenever I want to!!", Sarah said and asked them to go. Without having any other chance,he went out with a deep sigh. Sarah tried to examine his study room and saw a really weird-looking paperweight kept on his table. It was made of wood and was in a square shape. It looked as if it was fixed inside the table.

Sarah couldn't keep her curiosity under control and went to see that paperweight. As she tried to pick it up, she noticed it was really attached to the desk. She tried many ways to take it out but failed. A minute later, she noticed that paperweight could turn!! "Woah!! What is that!!", she thought to herself. Without thinking, she turned the paperweight around to see what will happen. "It looks like some adventurous trip...", Sarah said excitedly.

A moment later, the wallpaper which she noticed before, opened as if it was some kind of gate. Sarah was about to shout but she kept her mouth shut cause she was afraid that everyone would come and destroy her adventure. (lmao Sarah 😂😂)

She entered that great room which had black tiles on the floor and black colored wallpapers all around the room. She had no idea whose room was it and she just kept roaming around. On the other side of the room, she could see one more big room as if it had some kind of weapons. "wow!! Are these weapons for my adventure??", she said to herself. When she reached to the shelf to pick up one of the guns, she could notice that the gun had a name encrypted on it..she wondered whose name it can be.


Sarah was so shocked that she could have fainted at that moment. She couldn't believe her eyes that her so-called husband owned not only that gun but all the guns and weapons present in that room. Without thinking any more, she came out of that 'secret room' and left his study room before finding anything more.

The workers noticed that she had found something and that's why without wasting any time, they informed Max that Sarah has found something out.

On the other side, Sarah who was being really rude and full of anger freaked out just like the incident in Paris. She felt helpless and didn't know what to do next. She just thought of running away but she couldn't cause all workers were present in the mansion only.

After some time, she got a hold of herself and thought of asking Max when he would return home...about all those weapons...

~time skip~~that night~

Sarah was sitting in the room holding a knife behind her...for protecting herself from Max. She kept waiting when Max would enter the room and she would take her defensive position.

On the other hand, Max already had an idea how Sarah would behave with her so he simply entered the room like he always did. He thought of acting just like he always did.

"Hi, Sarah... You asked your dad about what he needed you for right?", he said in a sweet tone. Sarah didn't take her defensive position yet. "Y-yeah I did...but I know you lied to me", she replied in a stern voice. Max could sense her fear in her voice. He giggled a bit at her childishness. "Ohh well...I thought you must want to meet your dad that's why I lied to you", he said while getting some of his casual clothes from the closet. Sarah got in her defensive position and asked him at last. "Mr. Max... Who are you?? How is it t-that y-you own s-so many w-weapons??", she said while stuttering. "Are y-you really an m-mafia???", she added. Without thinking any more Max turned around and with the help of his tricks, he took the knife from Sarah's hand. Sarah couldn't be any more strong....she burst out in tears. Max was kinda shocked to see her like that. "Hey...Why are you crying?? I had to tell you this one day and I am telling you now only..", he said as Sarah's sobbing decreased a bit. "I belong to a family of detectives and my job is of an undercover detective", he added.

Sarah stopped crying. She didn't know what to do anymore. Max thought that he must explain everything so he made her sit on the bed and explained everything from the starting till the end as to why his dad asked to marry Sarah only and why he belongs to a family of Detectives.

"If you could've explained this before, I wouldn't have become so terrified...", Sarah said trying to wipe away invisible tears. "Well...", Max didn't say anything to her about why he didn't tell her before.

"So...does that mean I can also become a detective??", Sarah said in a really happy tone. "Well for that you need to have such capabilities and one more thing if you want to become a detective...", Max said in a regretting voice. "Yeah..what is it!!??", Sarah said excitedly.

"Now that you have known everything, we can't get separated...We must live as husband and wife.", said Max while looking at Sarah's regretful face.

                                       TO BE CONTINUED...

Hii guys!! So sorry for the late update!! It's all fault of my lazy ass!! 😅😂 I hope you all like this part. Don't forget to give your precious reviews...😄

                                      I purple you all!! 💜💜

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