Chapter 4

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Sokka's POV-
'Ahhhhh I kissed Zuko! And Zuko kissed me!' I walked into my house and screamed into a pillow on my couch "Hey Sokka" Katara said "You have fun with Zuko?" She laughed "Omg Katara sit down I have to tell you everything!" I told Katara what happened and she smiled "Sokka that's awesome, I knew you both liked eachother, you were literally laying in his lap at the park." Katara said giving me a hug "Now you need to go to bed its late" I went downstairs changed and fell asleep thinking about Zuko's warm lips on mine.

I woke up to a phone call at 3 in the morning "Hello? It's okay I'll be right there" It was Zuko he had a bad nightmare about his dad I slipped in my shoes and skated to his house as fast as I could not even realizing I wasn't wearing a shirt. I knocked quietly and as soon at the door opened Zuko flew into my arms crying "I'm sorry I just didnt know who else to call, I cant be alone" he said not letting go of me "It's okay I'm here." I said running my finger through his hair "Come on you need to go to sleep, I'll stay with you." I said pulling away and holding his hand "Sokka wheres your shirt?" Zuko asked "Oh shit I was wondering why I was cold" I said laughing. We laid down in Zukos bed and I held him until he fell asleep. I did soon after.

I woke up to a small yawn from Zuko "Goodmorning" I said hugging him "mm hi Sokka" he said rubbing his eyes, his sleepy voice was insanely hot "How are you so cute even when you just wake up?" I said kissing his forehead we just laid in bed for awhile until there was a knock at his door "Come in" Zuko said assuming it was his uncle so we kept cuddling "Sokka!" Katara yelled causing my eyes to jet open "You cant just leave in the middle of the night without telling anyone I've been blowing uo your phone for hours!" She yelled "God Katara shush and I dont have my phone with me" I said not letting go of Zuko "Why are you shirtless cuddling with Zuko!" She said still clearly mad "Zuko called me last night because he had a bad nightmare so I came over here, and I'm only shirtless cuz I forgot I was when I left." I said calmly "Fine but at least bring your phone next time" she said and left "That went surprisingly well" Zuko said "Ya I probably should have left a note" I said laughing "What time is it?" Zuko asked "Umm 11:50 why?" I asked as he ran out of bed and to his closet "I'm late for work!" He said changing his clothes but I didnt look "Shit do you need any help?" I asked feeling bad for us waking up so late "No I just need to get downstairs sorry babe!" He said running down stairs 'Babe?' I thought about the cute nickname but then got up and grabbed my hoodie I left here last time. And went down stairs with my skateboard so I could go home "Zuko your 20 minutes late!" Iroh said "I'm sorry uncle I forgot to set my alarm" Zuko responded "Its fine just get to work" "Bye Zuko" I said exiting and starting to ride home. When I walked in the door my dad was sitting at the table talking to Katara "Sokka where have you been all night!" He said "I was at Zuko's didnt Katara tell you?" I said placing my skateboard by the door and going to the fridge "Sokka you can't just leave in the middle if the night without your phone." Dad said in the same lecturing tone as Katara "Dad I'm sorry Zuko called and said he had a really bad nightmare so I went to his house and accidentally fell asleep." I said grabbing creamer as I brewed coffee "Wait that boy you like?" Dad asked surprised and I nodded while grabbing a blue mug "Fine but dont let this happen again either tell us or take you phone so we know your not kidnapped!" "Okay dad" I said laughing pouring my coffee "Anyway Aang and Toph are coming over at 5 for movie night is Zuko coming?" Katara said eating a muffin "Duh if I have to get oogies so do you." I said sipping my coffee "Okay awesome." Katara said "I'm going to go chill out see you later!" I said going downstairs. I texted Zuko and he said he was going to come too, so I played some video games until 4 then decided to get ready. We always had moving night and I wore the same thing everytime, grey sweatpants and a tshirt. So I got into the shower put my hair up and got dressed. Aang was the first to get here which was good because we were the ones who went to the store for snacks. When we got there we bought hot cheetos and a monster for Zuko, doritos and a coke for Toph, plain potato chips and a slushie for Katara, veggie straws and aloe juice for Aang, and takis with a sprite for me. We left and went to the house Zuko and Toph had just got there when we arrived so we said hi and gave Zuko a hug. "Okay guys I have a great idea! Zuko do you still have that fake i.d.?" I asked "Um ya why?" Zuko said innocently "You should go to the store and get us some drinks!" I said holding his hands in mine and jumping up and down "Oh ya I'm down!" Toph said from the couch "Same!" Aang and Katara said "Well I guess its settled I'll be back in 20 minutes." He said and then quietly kissed my cheek so Toph wouldnt know then he left. I went into my room and took off my shirt like I always did (I hadn't since Zuko joined to group so he wouldn't be uncomfortable) and I sat on the couch while Katara was sitting on Aangs lap in a chair and Toph was on the floor. I was on my phone when Zuko came back with drinks "I got them!" He said walking through the door, I sat my phone on the couch and got up to see what he got "Woah" he said as he saw me and almost dropped the bag "Zuko stop looking at Sokka and be more careful!" Katara shouted "Wait why is Zuko looking at Sokka?" Toph asked Katara "Because Sokka cant keep his shirt on for even an hour" Katara said "Seriously its gross" she added "Well some people dont seem to mind" I said looking at Zuko "Anyway what did you get?" I asked and Toph yelled "Other than horny" and I threw a pillow at her "Well I got a Mike's lemonade for each of us and a bottle of vodka." Zuko said shaking off Tophs comment "Sweet you have good taste" Aang said, Aang didnt drink much but when he did he liked the lemonade since it didnt taste like alcohol. "Are you sure I thought he liked Sokka?" Toph said causing Katara to throw a pillow at her "Okay fine I'll stop" Toph said lifting her arms "Let's get drinking!" I said wrapping one of my arms around Zuko causing him to blush "Zuko have you already been drinking you look like a strawberry" I teased giving him a kiss. Then we all sat down in the living room as I passed out all the lemonades Zuko got 5 shotglasses. We moved the furniture out of the way and all sat on the ground in the middle if the living room "Zuko come take a picture with me" I said as he finished moving the couch he moved in and smiled as I took the picture. Katara started the movie which was Mulan (my favorite disney movie) I turned down the volume and said "I have a good game in mind, we all go around in a circle and whisper questions, then you either answer outloud or drink, then you flip a coin and if its heads you have to tell everyone the question if its tails your safe." "That sounds fun!" Aang said and everyone agreed "Okay I'll ask Toph a question first" I leaned over and whispered to Toph "Who was your first crush?" She blushed and took a shot then flipped the coin and it was heads "So what was the question?" Zuko asked "Who was my first crush" Toph said "That's such an easy question guess someones trying to get fucked up" Katara said laughing. Toph whispered a question to Katara and she answered "Aang" which made Aang look over nervous the. She flipped and it was tails so she was safe. She whispered a question to Aang which made him blush alot but he answered "Um 7" he said rubbing his neck "Wait really? Damn" Katara said and then Aang flipped the coin and it landed on heads "Dammit" Aang said "I asked him how long it was" Katara said laughing and Aang was blushing face in hands "Honestly I'm really surprised" Zuko said laughing. Then Aang whispered a question to Zuko causing his eyes to go wide and he took a shot "Okay now I want to hear what Zuko didnt have the balls to answer" I said laughing as Zuko cringed at the vodka. Aang flipped the coin as I took a sip of my lemonade and it was heads "I asked him if he wanted to screw Sokka" Aang said laughing hysterically as I choked. "Aang what the hell dude!" I said still not really able to breath "What we all wanted to know" Aang said shrugging "Um I dont want to know" Katara said grossed out "Me neither" Toph said "Oh well guess it was just me then" Aang said and Katara elbowed him "Zukos turn to ask Sokka!" Toph said excited Zuko leaned over and whispered to me "Your really cute" "Zuko that's not a question" I said "Okay fine" then he leaned over again and asked "Who was your first time with?" And then went back to his original position "Um okay dont laugh, nobody" I admitted causing Zuko to choke on his drink this time "Seriously? How?" He said as I flipped the coin and it landed on heads "Shit" I said frowning and Zuko told them the question "Well guess Zuko has you all to himself" Toph said as I took a shot just because "Toph!" Zuko and Katara said. We kept playing and I learned alot like alot, and by the end we were pretty drunk and sick of this game "Okay let's play truth or dare" Zuko suggested since he was the only one who was still only tipsy "Oh ya I want to go first!" I said "Okay Zuko truth or dare?" I asked leaning towards him he responded dare "I dare you to take you shirt off" I said "Hey that's no fair how come your boyfriend gets to be shirtless?" Katara said upset "I don't care who's wearing a shirt as long as you are." I responded to Katara and Aang pulled of his shirt "I'm so happy I'm blind" Toph said and we all laughed "Well I'm happy I'm not" I said kissing Zuko a little to roughly "Hey quit it!" Katara said throwing a pillow at us but I didnt care and kept kissing Zuko until he pulled away. We kept playing truth or dare until eventually no one was wearing a shirt but Katara because 'Ew' we finished off the vodka, it wasnt a very large bottle but big enough to where we were more than tipsy "Spin the bottle!" Katara yelled as I took the last shot "Ohh ya but no incest I'm not kissing Katara." I said "I'm down" Toph said "Aang you go first" I said then he spun it and it landed on Zuko, they had a small peck that barely lasted a second but then I snuggled into Zuko. "Someones jealous" Zuko said and then kissed me for alot longer than Aang "Wait your turn guys" Katara said spinning and it landed on me "Eww" we both yelled and she respun landing on Toph. Her and Toph kissed for a surprising amount of time until Katara pull back. Then Toph spun and landed on me we had a 10 second kiss and I sat back down. "Yay my turn" I said and it landed on Zuko, I got close to him and we kissed for a while not even coming up for air "Zuko! It's your turn" Toph yelled and Zuko not even breaking the kiss pointed the bottle to where I was sitting. "I'm gonna go ahead and say we're done with this game because they probably wont stop until tomorrow" Aang said putting his shirt back on and so did Toph. I didnt even notice but everyone cleaned up and went upstairs.  Then my dad decided to come home early to see me shirtless ontop of Zuko with a vodka bottle in the trash I pulled away and got off when I saw my dad had walked in "Clean up and go to your room I want to watch tv." Dad said sitting at the table. We pushed the furniture back and then I pulled Zuko downstairs and threw him on the couch and kissed him. We didnt stop until Zuko said he was tired and got up we went into my room and he laid down I pulled off my pants and got into bed in only my boxers "Sokka what are you doing?" He asked more aware of things than i was "I'm hot" I said then passed out.

I said it was gonna be 13+ and I meant it lol I hope you liked this chapter dont forget to vote!!

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