First Love

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PS Hyeyooniieee♥️♥️♥️


Lying in bed while my sister had her headphones on, obviously listening to 'Clarity.'

"Your ears are gonna bleed..."

I sang but she ignored me.

"Tsk. 'Ey, what's your wattpad? I wanna read your story. Tell me, tell me, tell me."

Still being ignored by my younger sibling.

Sigh. I feel tired and extremely bored.

"Fine, I'll just make up my own story then."

I know she can hear me... My eye twitched.

I clicked the pen icon and stated to type. Since I know I won't write regularly, so deciding a title shouldn't take long to decide.

"Make up? My make up story? Doesn't that sound like I'm going to write about makeup stuff...?"

I wondered for a bit. Then I typed the title,


How unoriginal.


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