Wake Up

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Chapter one

Be free
You know that you want
Go ahead and do your thing
You're choice
Let's see
I know that you want
Eh eh
Yeah eh

"Yeah!" I sang out loud. "Why does it have to be so hard!"

I sang as I was making my breakfast. Shaking me booty there and there.


I finally sat down and ate my porridge with blueberries that took me two minutes to make.

That's the stuff! Yum!

Honestly, I don't know how there are some people who still don't know how to make porridge... Just get bowl, add oats, pour milk and microwave it for at least two minutes and boom!

Even to this day, people still don't know the basics, specifically men.

I know I shouldn't be sexist, but if you were part of my world, then you'd realise how insufferable it really is.

And yet, when I mention this to those men, they're all like, "'ey, what you're saying?" "What if my boys see me?" "I can't do stuff like that."

And I'm like, "Dude! Are they looking at you through CCTV?" "Do they check on you every 10 minutes a day?"

They made such a big deal as if it is the end of the world.

No. I refuse to hang on guys like that. I don't care if he can't cook, but at least make your own damn breakfast if everyone else is still asleep.

Because first of all, you are not a king and second, we are not your servant and lastly, don't assume I am a pushover.

And with that, my morning has started on a sour note.


I arrived at university.

I had a lecture today and I'm feeling excited.

After taking a year gap, working full time at a warehouse. I think I'm ready to enter a world of knowledge and become an independent person.

Well, a richer independent person.

I watched my module tutor as he talked about crime and crime controlling.

"Should we be relying on statistics?"

Questions like those were thrown at us.

It is pretty interesting; how they are people who will only hear and believe one side of the story. It can be frustrating at times.

But criminologists look at all different views of crime. They will use many different perspectives and approaches to support their or other theories or don't support their or other theories. Thus uses dual aspects.

"People will come to you to get their voice out."

I looked at the slide show and mentioned, "have ethical responsibility towards others."

So I have another responsibility... I get it.

I do hate what the world has now become.

I think the world either stayed the same or went even worse.

Well today's been successful.

I looked out through the window and watched as the greys and whites clashed together.

I wonder however...

How is he?

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