Bad Guy

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Chapter Three

I'm the bad guy...

My sisters and younger brothers came by for a visit and we decided to make shepherd pie!

My second younger sister helped me by reading out the ingredients however she read a certain ingredients out wrong so I told her off. She felt upset and then left the kitchen.

So I tried to fix the mistake we made. And luckily enough, I fixed it and I'm so glad it turned out nice.

But now because I upsetted her, I knew she wouldn't eat.

Well... I was wrong. She definitely still ate it and quote,


And then ran away...


"I'm still hungry." Said my younger brothers.

"You made too less."

I snorted. At least I made it.

Unappreciative ass... I'll let you guys finish that sentence off and add a 's.'

After they left around eight in the evening, I went to my room and laid on my bed, feeling tired.

I have so much assignments due...

That urge to bang my head on a wall.

However, at times I'm actually not that worried.

It's funny to think, how my life was in September and now look where I am.

I get up, put my headphones on and switched on the PS4.

I play...

Call of Duty!



I don't know why I never was able to finish the easter egg of Der Eisendrache. I mean I know how to do the void bow, the fire bow, wolf bow, lightning bow... But despite all of that, I still can't complete the easter egg!

So annoying.

Oh and that was a hint of my username! Wink, wink!

When I spent almost an hour and then die, I automatically go play on multiplayer mode.

Like what's the point if I can't get it... At least I get to kill real people now...

In the game folks! In the game.

Sheesh! I'm no killer! Well... That is debatable but not a human killer!

Okay, I'll just stop there now.

So I have an doctor appointment tomorrow...

To examine my 'downstairs.'

Not really ashamed of it. If something is wrong, then look for professional help!

You don't know what can happen if you seek help too late. Maybe things will be tough and hard to bear.

Kind of a boring topic, I know. But it's good to keep aware of these things and to remind people.

I have so much stuff on my plate right now.

My life is kind of a mess.

I just have so many dirty dishes being piled up in my imaginative sink.

And I think mold is building up too.

Gross, I know.

Just gotta focus on my goals right now.

I don't want to...

I look at my lonely finger.

...Think too much.

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