Chap; 3

18 1 0

Errors pov

Wait. What?! Me and ink?!
"But- outer i usually pair up with night!" I say as inks eyes widen.
"Sci i thought me and dream wer-"
Scu and outer then put their fingers on our lips.
"Nope, nope. Look yous two. You guys will be pairing up to do a romantic dance. K?" Says sci in a "if you dont I'll kill you." Voice.
"Uh....oki." I glitch as ink crosses his hands.
"Fine...~" ink said as he closes one eye like a kid.
"Anyway you guys know yhe dance type known as love right?" Sci says as we both nod sternly.
"You guys will do that but a bit more....whats the word? Pizzazz!" Says outer as he puts his hands in the air.
We both then start to dance.

Ink: girl
Error: boy

I blush as i take inks hand at the last part he blushes back as we lock eyes.
"See! Told you! You guys are a amazing duet or you could say...a loving duet!" Says outer as ink looks away blushing and yells a bit.
"Outer! Hmp.." ink says as yellow blush covers my face.
"Should we change the last though? I mean they almost k-..." blue was about to say something when dream puts a spoon of icecream in his mouth.
"Shh. Dont ruin the ship." Frisk starts to giggle as ink starts to yell at them.
"But...dream. They do get to close in the middle of the video.." says lust, i then start blushing when i realize what we did.
"" i start to reboot as i process whats happening.

Inks pov (1 hour for then)

We were all done practicing so we decided to hang out.
"Lets go!" Says blue as he pets his chihuahua. Blue had a blue skirt that went up to his thighs and a white crop top and a blue leather jacket.
He then had no socks but some white high heels. He then had some blue sunglasses.

Dream on the other hand, had a yellow dress that had a belt around it. The belt a star and he had some white pumps, he then had some a white necklace and a black that was open so you could see the dress.

Lust had a purple dress that was showing his shoulders, he then had a necklace and a black hat that had a bow on it he also had some black boots.

on the other hand had something simple, i had brown leather bbots. A light brown cardigan and a white t shirt white a dark brown skirt.

Everyone (except sci.) Says "why do you guys dress like your from a magazine?!"
"Why do you dress like your homeless?" I ask as they go silent.
"Lets go." I say as dream and blue comfort crying dust and killer.
"Its oki dusty! Im here! I dont think you dress homeless" says blue as dream agrees.
We all go inside there car as me, lust, night, error, chara, horror all have a smoke of marijuana.
"Hm. So do you guys have some tobacco? I need to pay dream." I say as i use a pink lighter.
"Here, buy some." Says error as he passes me a 50 dollar bill. I thank him as we all get into the car stoned.

~time skip~

Blues pov

We were all at the club i was dancing with this guy to senorita he was looking down at my...ass.
"Uhm. Eyes up here bud," he then pulls me in for a kiss but i resist trying to push him away.
But like the bitch he is...He didnt care and just smirked "i like your feisty side.... wanna come with me to my mansion?" He leans in for another kiss.
"Dude. I think you heard clearly that he doesn't want your kisses." We both hear a mad voice, i then spot a skeletons hand on the werewolfs shoulder.
It was dust!
"You looking for a fight?" Says the man as i shake uncontrollably.
"Dust please-" "no. But if you touch blue...i will hurt you." The overaged werewolf stepped away as he whispered something.
He then ran off as dust glared at him as he walked off. I looked up at dust to notice how tall he was.
"T-thanks dusty. I appreciate it."
Dust then blushes as he looks at me.
"I just...wanted to help." He adds as he puts his hand behind his head.
I smile at this he then takes out his hand and pops a question
"wanna dance?"
The music turns to a sweet and comforting melody as lovers and couples slow dance around us.
"Ofcourse i'd love to." I say as we dance together.

Inks pov

I was taking some shots as i talk to cross, n.m, and error.
"Aah! That was good!" Says cross as he stretches. I snicker as i hold up a glass to my lips, i then notice error was staring at them constantly blushing yellow.
I then smile and lean on my elbow and hand and look into his multi-colored eyes.
Error looks at me as he looks away and takes a drink.
Chara, frisk, dream, and killer come to us and orders some whiskey, beer, and strawberry wine.
I then pet frisks head and says "your to young to drink. You can get some of the milkshakes they have here." Frisks cheeks puff up.
"Jeez ink! Your not my mom you know! Plus im 17 cant i at least have on drink?" She says as chara ;Theeeh? Whats that supposed to mean?" She asks chara as she crosses her hand a bit still mad.
"Fine. As long as you dont get drunk." Ink adds as frisks hugs him and says
"its just wine ink. What could a little bit of strawberry wine do to me?" "Wow thats a big ego." I say Because she carried on the "me".
Frisk then ignores it because she notices charas looking at her.
"God. Shes cute..." chara whispers. I only heard it cause im a listener.
I smile at this and take the glass away from my face and add "what was thst chara?" She blushes a deep reddish pink. Frisk then stops drinking wine and looks at a couple shocked...wait no. Thats dust and blue!

 Thats dust and blue!

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Oh. My. F***ing. Fod.

Dusts pov

Blue then leaned in. And time just stopped. Omfg. He kissed me! I then kissed back as we both let go.
"Im...uh...sorry. I swear I'll make it ip to you-" "dusty...?" "Im so sorry. I shouldn't of kissed back.." "dusty..." "im really sorry blue i-" he then kissed me again and then stopped but didn't move.
"Dust blood-switch i chose to kiss you. Dont be sorry." He then put his hand on my cheek bone and adds
"That was that a thank you for saving me from that rapist. This is for," He pauses as he smacks my face. "For thinking i needed a apology." I put my hand on my cheek bone and rubbed it in pain.
"Heh. Sorry." I say as i put blues hand on my cheek he blushes. "I said you shouldn't be sorry. Idiot..." he then kissed me again as i kiss him back while time passed by.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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