Chapter 1: Being Gray

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"It's been 2 years, you're here with us in Outpost III. What do you feel when you eat those cubes?" Coco asks. I sigh then reply "I can't say it's gross but it tasted weird. They're quite inventive of making those cubes" then I make a surprising look and we laugh until she interrupts us. She looks at me before she looks to others.

"It's already time. Go to your rooms before one of you get a punishment by Ms. Mead" then taps her cane to make us hurry to go in our rooms. Before I went to my room, Coco whisper to me.

"You should be used of it or ended up being a toy for Ms. Mead, (Y/N)" I nod even I already know the rules.

She's just doing her job to protect us that's why she's being strict to us, Coco.


After that day, the same as usual. I didn't want to waste my time here, spending my hours in the lounge just to mop the floor. I need to do something. Luckily, I found a pencil and paper in the library lately when Ms. Mead told me to clean it. It looks like this place is not just for the survivors. I'm not good at sketching things or creatures except humans. I try to think Coco but her hair was too hard for me to sketch it. Mallory has big bun hair but I don't want to mess up her looks in my sketch.

I can't think who's gonna be a perfect subject for me.

I remember someone but it's too risky to draw that.

What if I draw Ms. Venable?

I bite my lip for thinking that I can draw Ms. Venable. It was just an attempt. She will never know.

I look around in the library and there's no one here. This a good timing to try.

After 3 hours, it looks like her but it's not as good as I expected. Her hair was messy. I try to fix it but I can't. There's no eraser left on the bottom of the pencil.

Before someone comes over here, I hide my sketch on the book that I borrowed last week. Place it to the bookshelf. I hear Ms. Venable's cane and it's getting near to the library so I clean the table and remove those papers I've used to draw an object.

"What are you doing here? Did Ms. Mead ordered you to be in here?" She asks with her cold tone. I clear my throat then reply.

"I was searching for a book. It's my free time, Ms. Venable" but then she was just looking at me like 20 seconds, I think. I hope she won't notice it.

"It's already time, (Y/N). You need to go before I call Ms. Mead to drag you to your room, (Y/N)" then she taps again.

I leave her there, in silence. I walk fast as I could but Coco taps my shoulder then I confusedly look at her.

"Where did you go this evening? You should come with us to the lounge tomorrow. Mallory feels that she's alone there" she asks, waiting for me to answer her question.

"I'm sorry, I'm was searching for a book that...might be intimate for me. I'll be there next time" I excuses. She seems to agree with it. I say my good night to hers then leave.

I lock the door then start to write in my diary of what I did today. I'm the luckiest person for having this thing. It gives me hope to live. I was grateful they found me lying on the floor of my Dad's house before the Apocalypse happened. Thanks to Ms. Venable she gives me the opportunity to stay in Outpost III.

I hope I will know her more than everyone knows about her.


Author's Note:

I hope y'all like the first chapter. Just comment if you want me to continue it. Thank you for reading. (^ ^)

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