Chapter 19: First time

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"Hey (Y/N)" my back trembles the way Mallory touches. Occupied me to turn around my sight on her presence. I smile, bitterly. Wishing she wouldn't notice my restless eyes. She smiles back, then speaks in a low tone.

"I heard Coco sneaked in your room last night" I nod, my mouth shut for no reason. Unwilling to say something about it. It's quicker than I thought. Possibly, she told it to everyone.

I wait for her words while stealing glances at the plates that have been soaked in the washstand. Remembering what occurred yesterday to Coco with Ms. Venable. Coco certainly hurt by the slap of Ms. Venable but I think she's fine for now.

"Umm... she's worried about you that something might have happened to you after Ms. Venable caught you two talking in the late of night" and her intention spills out when I let her continuing her words. Unfortunately that I don't deserve their concerns because I lied to them. Keeping the reason why Stu is gone. I give her my forceful smile before I thank her and Coco.

"Tell her that I'm ok and thank you, Mallory. For asking" eventually leaves me with her approval, bow down her head a bit. A reason for me to continue my unfinished task before I can go to my room. Thinking if I can manage to endure the bruises on my back that almost made me feel sick yesterday. Fortunate me, it was just a 10 stroke of her cane yet she included my back.

I'm not going to falsify about it but she really avoiding me, until now. A valid purpose for her to do such a painful discipline for me.

How guiltless are you, Ms. Venable.

After ending my suffering as a gray and hers. I take myself to a bath, exterminating the dirt and sweats I obtained after cleaning the kitchen. I look on the back of my left upper arm, spotting the mark of her cane. Appears that lately, I didn't recognize it. I lift my head. Relax by the hot water pouring on my hair and face which my back and posterior inclines on the wall. Didn't matter how much pain I can be brought.

My body is full of remarkable symbols by her massive, hard-hit she made.

I claw my fingertips down on my collarbone, coming to my chest. Indulge the silk of my skin, feeling the tender of my flesh by my tapping it a little on my thumb. Incredible of its existence, this life.

Even I feel alone.

After several minutes, I wear my sleeveless shirt then wears my nightclothes that covering my bruises on my back before I get into my bed. Calm sensation after exiting the bathroom yet someone sitting in my bed, waiting for me to come out in the bathroom.

My relief turns into an overwhelming atmosphere when Ms. Venable raises herself from my bed, turns her to look at me with an unusual look. It's already late at night for her to visit someone, especially me. I make a furrowed look at her, blinking my eyes two times. Questioning the eye contact she's doing.

She's not satisfied with what happened yesterday. Lack of pleasure I analyze.

"My punishment is done yesterday. What makes you visit me here, Ms. Venable?" I ask with my low tone, revealing how uninterested I am in her attentiveness. Realized that I've been emotionless this time with her yet Ms. Venable starts taking steps. Creating clear and loud thuds in every step she creates like a beat of the heart until she ends it. Already 1-inch gap at me, incapable to feel each other breath. I glance at her, she looked ignorant, as always.

"I want to see it" my head perplexed, unknown by her asking. I blink again and her cane taps. Again, she became she was yesterday. Her eyes glints when she looks down on me, darkened.

"Unbutton your clothes off" my eyes widened when she said it. Thus, get glares at her for a moment. Unforeseen she would order me such an immoderate act. This is unbelievable yet she's waiting for me to obey her. Consequently, ask her directly with my furrow countenance.

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