Chapter 9: Bosom

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After that day, the day she said that she doesn't have any hobbies. It's been a week that she didn't call for my assistance. She might be busy or having a hard time for Outpost III.

I might miss her presence.

I frown for a moment while resting on the couch in the Library. I like to be alone here. It gives me comfort so much that I couldn't even hear someone coming in.

"You're lucky that Ms. Mead is busy to check the Library" It was Emily. The gorgeous lady I've seen in Outpost III. I get up and turnround at her. She looks more wonderful than ever. Emily sits beside me then glances at me.

"Hmm...for the past 2 years, Ms. Venable didn't notice your existence until you showed up yourself unintentionally" she says. I don't know what she's talking about so I look at her in curiosity. What she's trying to say? That I got Ms. Venable's attention?

"How foolish you are, (Y/N). She looks at you differently than the others. You don't even observe her while you're with her" she scoffs, giving me a frown look. I chuckle then shook my head for denying what she's telling about. She doesn't even know Ms. Venable and so am I.

I know her but a little. She's not like that I mean...right. I don't know her either.

"You're avoiding the fact that she had something in you" Emily mumbles then stands. I still look at her with the confusion on my face. She gives me a smile then leave me here, alone. These people are not eaten their meal properly. It makes them think something ridiculous or an outrageous perception. I exhale for a moment then close my eyes. I don't care how much time I wasted here just to close my eyes. Making myself to ignore the reality I had this week.

Where are you now, the Outpost III leader?

Suddenly a loud hit coming from the floor.

"That's how you enjoy yourselves, (Y/N)" I open my eyes immediately, hearing her voice makes me panic that I startled before I opened my eyes. I rub my eyes to clear my vision. Wanting to see if she's really here.

"Ms. Venable"

I feel an unexpected shift through my lip. A smile how happy I am seeing her.

Why do I feel I like to see her presence this time? That's odd.

"Come with me" she command. I get up and follow her coming into her office. She's in rush based on her footsteps. Not even looking at me. After we arrived in her office, she quickly closes the door. I stand on her back, waiting for her to turn around. Eager to ask what's going on her.

"Sit down, (Y/N)" she says and I follow it. I'm doubting her actions again. She's really in hurry this time and I don't know her reason to do it. Ms. Venable walks towards her desk, getting something while I'm questioning her in my thoughts.

Why she's being urgent when there's nothing to worry about?

"I read it for a week" she's holding a book. I can't believe Ms. Venable read a book. It astonishes me. I want to laugh in surprise but I don't want her to think that I'm making fun with her.

She's surprising me this time.

What happened to that ignorant Ms. Venable?

Ms. Venable walks towards me then suddenly throw me the book. Thankfully, my hand can catch it. I read the title. It's like a romance. I look at her with my confusing look. She looks away, not wanting me to stare at her.

"I've seen a movie based on this book. I never read it but I watch the movie that came from it" I opinion. She looks down while caressing her hand in the handle of her cane.

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