Meeting the Duke Part 3

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After a while we went to father's office the maid announced my arrival, with a wave of his hand everyone just vanished ,such was his authority over his employees.

He might not be a good father but for people in his area he is the best duke they could get.

More I looked at him more were my feelings of anxious growing after all, He was with a daughter in front of him who he was not close to. He eyes which looked like mine were filled with something I couldn't understand , But whatever those feelings were I am sure at he was angry at least.

So much for being glad.....

As much as I was complexed by mixing of my memories and my instinctive reactions. I still couldn't show any weakness. Not long after I heard him say   

"I heard that you are fine now . Rest well eat healthy foods and don't bully your sister understand"

"If you are to hurt her I will surely punish you". As isn't possible for someone like me.

"I seems that I have caused inconvenience for father forgive this foolish daughter for her mistakes "

"As of now I will not expect anything from you" It was a goodbye to my old self who was only begging for attention in her own way but now I knew better to do that ....It's strange how both of my lives are so similar.

Giving my father a look, I left. Aimlessly roaming around with no one by my side, All the people were gone on the order of the duke, After walking around the mansion for a bit  I saw a library, It was lavish but also the best place for me. Taking a book from general section I started to read.

Time passed by and I just fell asleep there when it's gotten dark after all I didn't even know where I was so it was hard to get around at night at a time when most of the people were asleep.

I seems no one cared that I was missing for a whole day and some of them who searched never bothered to be through about it, it would've been easy to find me if they put in a bit of effort. It's not like I was hiding.

Even if I didn't want to I had to come out, my body of a 8 year old just can't hold out without food.

It seemed that all the servants were busy in the morning that's why there was a sense of liveliness not like last night.  

When they saw me in the hall they said" see she was just throwing a tantrum and even if she didn't eat for one day what could happen?"

Nothing I could do about that for now. At least I had enough authority that if I asked no one could ignore me. Hence, I immediately asked a maid to bring me some food, eating my fill I went to explore the mansion since the previous me only knew of two places.

Her father's office and her way out of mansion.

I just got lost yesterday since I wandered around aimlessly.

 As I went forward I came across a beautiful garden even if I didn't want to stray away from my path I just couldn't ignore that feeling of similarity that came from it.

this garden was filled with flowers it was truly beautiful even nostalgic enough to threaten my tears to fall which I only forced back in yesterday, As I walked forward my expectations were only getting higher even when I knew it was impossible but as to make fun of my feelings. I saw a person in the middle of that garden.

She was younger than I thought as before time was not kind to her at all.

That was the face I longed for, one which was enough to drive me insane...

I knew ..I knew it wasn't possible but even if it was my delusion or a dream ...even if it was a trick of someone ...I just couldn't........

Tears that were already threating to fall fell like rain droplets this time but I still couldn't move so that person won't just disappear 

I am reincarnated as dramatic elder sisterWhere stories live. Discover now