At the ball Part 5

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We reached in just the time of what was required of us and I was quite excited to see my magic, wondering what will I get was getting me in quite the excitement.

Anyway today is the ball and compared to my relaxing week I was woken up at 8:00 when the ball is in evening and I really don't know what happed like really how did time pass in just getting ready?

I mean children don't even need elaborate make up compared to the adults also even combing my short hair won't take that much time, it shouldn't have taken even 2 hours and here I was getting ready more than 10 hours early.

So I decisively  decided to sneak out!

I can just come back in time to get ready. 

At first I decided to roam around or go to the library since going to my mom will inevitably get me stuck in getting ready but. I went to mom's room disregarding my previous decision...

I hugged her from behind startling her or so I thought but she just looked at me and giggled.

"Aren't  you surprised ?"

"Well no I predicted it would happen"

"I seems I have to make another plan to surprise you"


"Bent down a little please mom"

Mom bent down a little 

I kissed her on the cheek

"love you mom"

She was surprised

I succeeded

"See I did it"

"Yes you did" Mom said with a hint of helplessness


She bent down and kissed me on the cheek

"I love you too sweetheart"

I blushed bright red

DID NOT, There is no way someone like me would be ..would be .....alright its possible, 9 months is long enough to change this aspect of me.



"where is Rio and Ranga?"

"Look behind you"


And there they were, noticing I spotted them they laughed out loud without even needing to pretend that they didn't notice.

"That child is certainly lively its a big contrast to how she was a few months ago" Alice said

" Only to you, rifollia and ranga ma'am " The maid murmured

Maid's pov

After that drowning incident the eldest miss had become bright and intelligent she has all of us servants in her palm owning to all the schemes she cooked up against some of us who neglected our duty at that time  and since she doesn't throw a tantrum or act spoiled we can't do anything to relate against her which we were previously doing so to make it seem like she is just unreasonable and it is not our fault .

truth to be told with  one look she can send shivers down our spine like she would kill us at any second and she always hit the conversations on the point when she is serious, still no one expect us knows, now I think that she is even more scary than the lord.

When I saw her in the library reading books I hid myself but that chill that came over me told me that she found me.

It's hard to defy her orders and the only person not allowed to know about it is this family.

I had to make a report to my lord but I don't know how she found out but....She stopped me and said

"Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut he already told you to not make any reports about me before so continue doing so"

I was terrified those eyes. I know that she couldn't kill me with that small body that wasn't even knowledgeable about magic but I just couldn't help but be afraid. Hence I nodded with all strength I could muster.

"Good of you go"

Then the next day when I saw her with Rifollia and ma'am I was shocked, the one that I saw yesterday and today looked like completely different people, In front of me now is a harmless rabbit and what I saw yesterday was a ferocious snake ready to attack you.

As the ball approached we had to make preparations and as of now no servant around her dares to defy our eldest miss, some have respect some are scared.

On the day of the ball eldest miss was woken up early as per our ma'am's wishes and coincidently I was replaced for care of madam since her maid was sick and was again shocked by the disparity in how she treats her family and us  

A long time after they were sent back to get ready and came out after a long time.

Maid's dressed her in simple yet cute dress which she chose herself with the designer that came. That designer also did her previous dresses but compared to now her expression before was simply the worst.

The maid's let her hair loose with I suppose is only due to the fact that that her hair is short.

Ma'am was wearing a dress which had elaborate designs on a indigo fabric with precise yet light make up it took out her natural beauty.

And young miss also looked beautiful with a ribbon on her head and a frilly dress which matched her cuteness and light cute makeup.

And young master was also clad in same design as madam which on him by no means give a girlish feel.

These three with duke and young master looked like a family from a fairy tail

Rosalina's pov

As we got ready time passed I went out and saw the carriage outside.

There were two ... I expected that, but did father think that he could separate me from my mom? no way!

As we went to the carriage Rio was talking with ranga and their conversation simply made me and mom to smile.

Father saw us fascinated by mother, told her she was beautiful and of course praised Rio and Ranga too. AND of course ignored me and also told "Me" to ride in different carriage

I was angry

"May I ask the reason why?"

"This carriage isn't big enough for all 5 of us to ride "

"Alright then"

I turned to mom

"Mom can you please come with me I am nervous to go to the ball alone"

Mom glared at my father and my sister  pouted and cling to me

"I want to go with big sis"

Ah I was so happy to throw a victory smile at my father and his expression turned really bad ..

Thanks to his assistant he had another carriage was big enough for 5 of us  but due to his pride he ignored his assistants good will was simply told by mom to ride in another carriage while me, mom, sis and of course ranga who being a 3 year old can't stay away from mom rode in separate one.

Everyone was happy expect a certain person who shot himself in foot trying to compete with a 9 year old..Being young has its advantages you know.

I am reincarnated as dramatic elder sisterWhere stories live. Discover now